Sub School News

Important Dates
Important dates:
20th March Cross Country POSTPONED
20th March National Day of Action against bullying and violence
26th March Best Practice Interviews POSTPONED
27th March Last day of Term 1
14th April First day of Term 2
16th April Parent/Teacher afternoon
Sub School News
It’s almost the end of Term 1 and what a busy term it has been. Students have settled well into their classes and are engaging with the curriculum. We have seen relationships between students strengthen along with developing positive relationships with teachers. Lots of students are being recognised for their positive behaviour and this is being communicated to parents via compass.
Recently the college appointed its new leaders in various areas and we look forward to the team working with and for the students in the effort of giving students more voice and agency within the college. As a school we hope that the leaders will demonstrate our college values and have a positive impact on the school environment.
The swimming carnival was a huge success with a great student turnout and lots of students participating in the various events. Congratulations to all the students who performed well and the ones who moved on to the next district level.
Unfortunately the cross country event which was due to take place on Friday has been postponed until further notice.
This year, Lyndhurst has been split into three sub schools. Our Junior School will look after our Year 7 and 8 students and is led by Harry Potter and Bishoy Aziz respectively. Our Middle School will look after our Year 9 and 10 students and is led by Jacqueline Sampson, and our Senior School, looking after Year 11 and 12, will be led by Anthony Brannan. Please feel free to speak to any of the relevant Sub School Leaders if you have any concerns regarding your child.
Finally we would like to remind the Lyndhurst Secondary College community that we have high expectations of all our community members particularly our students and we work with them to ensure their success now and in the future.
School Holiday Program for Teens
Please check with Casey Council if the activities and excursions are still taking place.