Religious Education and Life at St Anne's and in the Parish of OLMC.

Every Monday Morning we come together as a school community to share prayer. Each week a class leads the whole school in our prayer via a Google Meet. The prayer is recorded and sent home to that year levels’ families so that they are too able to share in prayer. Special thank-you to Year 2 Maroon and Year 1 Maroon for sharing prayer over the past weeks and we look forward to Prep Maroon class who will lead us in prayer in the next weeks. 


Our school theme across this Lenten Season is “We Are Hope In Action - Working together for justice and dignity, Walking together in hope, Building together for a better future for all”

When thinking about Fasting and Working together for justice and dignity, we are asking you to think about what you can work on doing less of to promote a sense of dignity and justice for all people. Stop being quick to judge and being more patient. Stop ignoring things that challenge us or even stop following the crowd and to stand up for what is right

When thinking of Prayer and Walking Together in Hope - How will you build your relationship with God in order to walk with others so they bring hope, we are asking to reflect on what you are speaking to God about and even if you are speaking to God. Reflect on how your prayers can bring hope to those around you and around the world. 

When thinking about Almsgiving and Building together a better future for all, we are asking you to think about what are the things that you can do more or to build people up so they can experience God. Giving compliments, giving time or even just letting people go ahead of you whether you are in a supermarket or in the car!


In each of the classes we will be collecting for Caritas’ Project Compassion. Collection boxes are in each of the classes and if you are able to spare some change for this cause which brings Hope to many and focuses on positive change and building a better future.  You can just send the donation in with your child and they can place it in the Project Compassion Boxes in their classrooms. 


Information and dates regarding the Sacramental Preparation Program for Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation went home with the students at the beginning of the term. Year 3, 4 and 6 teachers posted a copy of these dates on Seesaw also.

This year the Sacraments will be celebrated:

Sacrament of First Eucharist

24th, 30th & 31st July at St. Anne’s Church

PLEASE NOTE: Registration for this Sacrament will be via TryBooking and will be sent out early in Term 2.

Sacrament of First Reconciliation

Thursday 20th October, 5pm & 7pm at St. Anne’s Church

Sacrament of Confirmation

Sunday 9th October, 2pm at St. Patrick's Cathedral


Last week we had our Prep Family Faith Evening which had a focus on prayer. It was great to see so many parents with their prep child attend the evening! The prep children thoroughly enjoyed participating in the activities about prayer with their parents. At the end of the evening we all shared prayer together and the Prep children sang a special for their families and Jesus!

A huge thank you to all the Prep Families who were able to attend the evening. The support for you child and our school was much appreciated!

We are hoping to have a Prep Family Mass at the end of the year to celebrate what will be a successful first year of Primary School for the prep children




We ask families to please complete the ECSI Parent Survey that was sent home via Operoo.This can still be found in your "News Feed" on the app.  The feedback from this survey will help to build and develop the Catholic Identity of St Anne’s. 


Next Thursday, our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students will be participating in a special Lent and Holy Week Paraliturgy. Through prayer the students will revisit the meaning of Lent and listen to the stories recalling the events of Holy Week.

The Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students will also participate in a special Lenten Paraliturgy in which they will move through the Stations of the Cross and walk with Jesus through his Passion on the last day of his life.