Writer's Journal

Year 7 student Gemma Stillman has impressed us by the quality of this poem, so we thought we should share it with the school community. Well done, Gemma!


Who is she?

'Who is she?'

They asked

I look at the person standing beside me


Who is she?

She is my best friend

The person I can always go to

The most beautiful girl with a smile that can light up a room

She is the person I can count on.


The person that can tell me there is something wrong with one look

The person who shares her humour with me

The person I can always sleep with if I am scared or I want to talk

The girl who I can talk to until it's midnight and dad gets mad when I am still laying in her bed


The one I could never hate, even though sometimes she makes me angry

She is the person I will always pick up, after I finish laughing

And when life's hills become too steep to climb

She takes my hand and reminds me that I didn't have to climb it alone to begin with.


Who is she?

'She is my sister'

I say proudly.

Gemma and her big sister, Indi
Gemma and her big sister, Indi