
Congratulations to this edition’s stars! These students have been nominated by one or more of their teachers and we are proud to acknowledge the way in which they act according to our school values. 

Year 7- Tia Montgomery

Tia has received multiple green chronicles entries from her teachers and it seems they all agree; she is a motivated student with an excellent attitude! Tia’s star nomination came from Mrs Nedumannil for her work in Mathematics. According to Mrs Nedumannil, Tia works solidly in every lesson, she helps other students and looks for ways to use her initiative. Congratulations, Tia! 

Year 8- Lily Beeby

Lily continues to please all her teachers and several have commented on her enthusiasm for learning and her dedicated approach. In particular, Ms Evans has been impressed by the way Lily challenges herself and pushes herself in class. Lily works  hard and makes sure she catches up with teachers to find out what work she has missed when she is absent. Well done, Lily!

Year 9- Skye Hackel

Skye has been nominated by her English teacher, Mr Fritzlaff. He has been impressed by the work Skye completed as part of a recent creative writing unit. According to Mr Fritzlaff, Skye consistently produced quality work and she continually challenged herself to do better. When absent, she made an effort to find out what work she missed. As part of the creative writing unit, Skye produced an imaginative and descriptive narrative, using a local place as inspiration. 


Year 10- Cael Jamieson

A number of Cael’s teachers have given him green chronicles, acknowledging his enthusiasm for learning, his work ethic and his positive attitude. Mr Nedumannil named Cael as a star nomination for his work in Science. Cael has been completing all set tasks to a high standard and has made positive contributions to the class. Nice to see, Cael!


Year 11- Tamsin Mallick

Ms Todd is very happy with the way Tamsin is working in Biology. She has quickly adapted to the practical element of this subject, working efficiently and with great accuracy. Ms Todd believes Tamsin is a valuable member of the class and she always contributes to class discussions. Her willingness to involve herself in such a positive manner encourages her peers to do the same. That’s fantastic leadership, Tamsin!


Year 12- Darby Chipperfield

Ms Shelley nominated Darby for a star award as a result of her work in Year 12 Food Studies. Darby approaches practical tasks in a methodical way and she always does her best, resulting in the production of some tasty food. During a recent practical class, Ms Shelley was very impressed with the quality of the custard tarts produced by Darby! Nice work, Darby! We look forward to hearing more about your food production as the year progresses.