What am I reading ?

I loved reading Jasper Jones, so when I found out Craig Silvey had released a new novel, I was itching to read it. I purchased this book during the Christmas holidays, but at the time, I already had a pile of books I wanted to read, so I was disciplined and didn't start it until I read at least a couple from the pile.


I started Honeybee this week and even though I have only read 60 of the 413 pages, the characters, the language and the story have drawn me in. The first 'job' of my holidays will be finishing this novel (and the rest of them on my 'to read' pile).


Despite only being part way into this book, so far I can see similarities to the Year 8 English text, A Small Free Kiss in the Dark.


I'm sure finishing Honeybee will be the perfect start to my school holidays!

-Mrs Mitchell