Grade Five

The Grade 5 students and teachers have had a super start to our year together in Grade 5; we couldn’t be more impressed with how well everyone has settled in and the positive attitude that is brought to school every day! We welcome Mr Huggins back to Grade 5 and Mr Rosewall who is new to Oatlands; Mark Dinnie, Andrea MacIntosh, Gaby Rojas and Michelle Maio are providing invaluable assistance to our year level too!


What a week this has been so far! Our three day camp at Camp Rumbug in Foster North enabled 148 students and 15 staff to participate in an adventure camp that challenged our students’ preparedness to ‘have a go’, build confidence and resilience, as well as learning to work together as a team. The importance of building relationships between our students and their teachers allowed us to work on skills that will enable our students to not only be the best they can be, but also build on the leadership qualities so very important in Grades 5 and 6. Thank-you so very much to Mr Dutlow, Mr Tappscott, Mr Virk, Vicki Wragg and Deb Ryan who came with us; we are all so very happy that you did! Our students certainly upheld the values of respect, responsibility and resilience that underpinned their time at Camp. 


Our English sessions this term have focused on setting our students up for success with their Literacy. Students worked through the characteristics of what makes an effective reader and writer, while making the vital connections needed to develop a deeper understanding of these two major elements within our English program. Our students interviewed a classmate and wrote a biography on them, as well as developing a deeper understanding of the structure of persuasive writing. 


During our Math sessions, we initially focused on setting our students up for success mathematically, working with concepts about them that relate to mathematics. Place Value, the Four Processes [addition, subtraction, multiplication and division], Measurement [perimeter, area and volume] and Location activities relating to our Grade 5 Camp have formed the basis of our Term 1 Math program to date. Students are always encouraged to explain their thinking and record how they solve the problems presented to them.


Our Integrated Studies unit, Identity, has been of high interest to our students. Developing a deeper sense of who they are has allowed our students to appreciate their family’s history, while instilling a greater level of respect and understanding of each other. Our online Cyber Safety session, focusing on Digital Wellbeing, was well-received by our students who actively participated and gained further insight into the cyber world that is very much a part of the world they live in.


The Specialist classes our students attend each week ensure that their education is well-rounded; the skills they learn continue to enrich their development and learning. As a team we remain very grateful for the opportunities our Specialist teachers offer our students. We congratulate the many Grade 5 students who swam at our Swimming Carnival in Febraury, made it through to swim at the District and Division levels; they have done themselves and our school proud!


The students in 5MD wrote a Biopoem about Mr Holloway and invited him to their classroom to share it with him; here it is:


Mr -

Kind, Respectful, Cool, Powerful

Brother of Matt and Josh

Lover of our school, kids and teaching

Who feels happy when he enters the school, pressure when he’s working and proud when he started at OPS

Who gives joy, positive vibes and protection

Who fears something going wrong at OPS, our school being threatened and a child getting hurt

Who would like to see masks go away, home schooling never again and our school thrive

Who lives in a great neighbourhood with a loving family in Victoria

- Holloway


As a team we are incredibly grateful for your support throughout Term 1 and look forward to the exciting challenges that a very busy Term 2 will bring!




2022 Grade 5 Team