Dates to Remember
Term Dates for 2022
Term One: Tuesday, 1st February - Friday, 8th April
Term Two: Tuesday, 26th April - Friday, 24th June
Term Three: Monday, 11th July - Friday, 16th September
Term Four: Monday, 3th October - Monday, 19th December
Public Holidays for 2022
Monday, April 25th - ANZAC Day
Monday, June 13th - Queens Birthday
Tuesday, November 1st - Melbourne Cup Day
Student Free Days 2022
Term Three - Monday 31st October
Term Four - Tuesday 20th December
Monday 28th - Active April begins
Thursday 31st - Sibling photos
Friday 1st - PFA free dress day
Monday 4th - Oatlands Cross Country Trials Grades 3-6
Friday 8th - Last day of Term 1- 2:30pm Finish
Tuesday 26th - First Day of School Term Two - 9am Start
Thursday April 28th - Cyber Safety Parent Information Night 7:30pm
Friday 29th - ANZAC Day Ceremony