Wellbeing News

Empowering our future generations to become Upstanders

Up and coming generations shape our society. One day their values will influence the world we live in. That’s why it’s so important to lay the right foundations for a more inclusive, diverse future.


Last Wednesday, the years 5 and 6 students were privileged to participate in the Courage To Care Upstander workshops, organized by Mrs Spataro.

During this inspirational day, our students were given the chance to discuss big ideas and ask thought provoking questions about being an Upstander and how this has changed the lives of the presenters. 

The students focus on the following: 

  • How society influences the way we see and treat others
  • What the terms stereotype, prejudice, discrimination, bystander and Upstander mean
  • How negative attitudes towards others can lead to social exclusion and intolerance
  • That even a small action is better than no action

“I enjoyed listening to the story about Louis’ past life in the war. He lived in Poland and then France during the fighting. Some parts really shocked me.I am very glad that there were people in his life that were looking out for him, especially the police officer. Louis' speech had such a big impact on me. My heart was beating so fast as I listened to his words, they were so powerful. I can't imagine living like that and being so scared all the time. I am so grateful for my life, the peaceful place I live and the loving people around me. Louis is a real legend.” Gabe P