Senior School

Pat Cronin Foundation

On Wednesday this week, our Senior School students benefited from attending a presentation from the Pat Cronin Foundation. Alan Latu came to speak to us about the importance of making wise choices when it comes to conflicts and ending the Coward Punch. Pat Cronin was a young man who tragically lost his life to a senseless Coward Punch while out one night with his friends.


Brad Zeunert

Head of Senior School

Clay Target Shooting

In the last week of Term 1, we had the pleasure of taking 15 students to the Warrnambool Clay Target Shooting Club at Lake Gillear. The students were given a safety briefing and instructions on how to participate in the sport. With close supervision and support, the students had a great time shooting at clay targets. Considering that some students had no previous experience in handling any sort of firearms, the students did a great job, some of whom shot with awesome hand-eye coordination. Mr. Rouse had a go too and enjoyed himself as much as the students. A great day was had by all and the students represented the school very well.


Field sports like Clay Target Shooting are what I would call "the great equaliser", where our students get to compete in a sport that can involve teamwork or be individually oriented. Young men and women get to participate in the same teams or against each other and students of all abilities can have a go whether they are "sporty" or not. This means that students who do not normally get involved in sports can participate and succeed with a diverse group of people in ways they could never imagine.


Marko Wakim


Year 8 Food Technology

In the last week of Term 1, Year 8 students enjoyed making Freakshakes during Food Tech.


Ally Robinson
