Junior School

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." 
1 Peter 1:3


It has been wonderful welcoming students back to school after our Easter holidays. Junior School students seem happy and enthusiastic to be together with their friends again and seem to be really enjoying their learning experiences as we launch into a new term. 

We have an incredible opportunity in a Christian School to share the message of hope with young people and to celebrate all that He has done for us. This comes through in our lessons, in our assemblies, in our relationships and in our art. In the holidays, I visited the Easter Art Exhibition at Gateway Plaza where King’s College students entered their Easter-themed artwork. Well done Junior School students! The art looked great and the message of the cross was on display.


Alex Burgess

Head of Junior School


The Prep students had a fantastic day at their first Cross Country! Even though we had some nervous butterflies in the morning leading up to the run they all tried their best, did a great job running and all had fun. Miss Agnew is very proud!


Eden Agnew

Prep Teacher

Year 1

Towards the end of Term 1, the Year 1 students completed art activities as they reflected on the death and resurrection of Jesus. These artworks were on display at Gateway Plaza over the Easter break. 

They also commemorated ANZAC Day with a display in the classroom.


As a completion of an iMaths Unit, the students had a lot of fun, chatter and laugher as they transformed a myriad of boxes into tiny towns and 3D creations.


Kerry Snook

Year 1 Teacher

Year 2

The Year 2 class is very creative! At the end of last term in a STEM Challenge they designed their own catapults using rubber bands, spoons, paddlepop sticks and pom poms. Many designs were engineered with clever features. Students had a wonderful time competing in a class challenge to see who could get their pom pom to go the furthest. Some went a very long way! 


Jess Ballinger

Year 2 Teacher

Year 3

Students in Year 3 enjoyed doing ANZAC Day activities this week. We have also started reading our class novel, "The 27th Annual African Hippopotamus Race"


Ed Ezzy

Year 3 Teacher

Year 4

The King’s College Cinema:


My group were pretending to be projectionists. We did some cutting and pasting, wore dress ups (I put on a tie). In all this we were using our maths skills to put together a playlist for movies and trailers. Eliza looked like Mr Bean, the dress ups were funny, it was really fun and the tie felt terrible. Overall it was the best cinema I have ever been to and it was a fun time.


Year 4 Student

Year 5

The Year 5 Visual Art class will be studying various modern artists this term and having a go at the different styles and techniques they used in their art. Jackson Pollock was our inspiration this week as we practiced abstract expressionism with controlled splatter paint. 


In this lesson I learned...
"Abstract art can look just as good as intentional planned art" - Lily
"The "Autumn Rhythm" has a cool story behind it" - Lil
"There is no limit only your imagination" - Kerby
"Not all art is "clean" - Hamish
"Anything can be art" - Michael
"Doing the technique is a little harder than I thought because I ended up getting messy" - Katherine
"Doing action painting is fun and messy" - Elizabeth


Carolyn McDonald


Year 6

"We had a fun day on Thursday at Cross Country. Everyone participated and cheered each other on. It was great to help out on the day and motivate younger students to complete the course" - Zara
"It was an exciting day and in the end, it was great to hear that Calvin had won the Junior School House Cross Country" - Anneliese
"I was very proud of my achievements on the day and pleased that I ran 3km in 14 minutes and 11 seconds" - Sienna
"In Maths, we are learning about chance and the difference between theoretical probability and experimental probability. Theoretical probability is what is expected to happen and experimental probability is what actually happens" - Ashaan