Early Learning

At our Early Learning Centre we enjoyed having families and friends join us in the last week of Term 1 for some Easter egg hunts. We were treated to coffee from some of our school baristas, and our shed smelled amazing for a week while it housed the coffee machine! Children appreciated the help with finding eggs, and some of the adults were very good at spotting them! It was a lovely way to finish off our term.

Bee Group

The Bee group have had a fun first week back at Kinder. Children have been investigating concepts of force and motion through their play. One child made their own waterfall by propping a full pot of water in a tree, and adjusting the angle that let the water trickle out steadily. Children have added ramps to their play with cars, and noticed that a higher angle can make the car go faster. We’ve discussed the concept of gravity, and noticed things falling. We’ve also been noticing that a lot of leaves have fallen off our favourite tree! Children also played with a Giggle Wiggle caterpillar, using tweezers and a pincer grip to put little balls in the caterpillars hands. Sometimes the caterpillar was still, which was quite tricky. But when the caterpillar moved around, it was incredibly difficult! The Bee children had more success than their teacher. 

Ant Group

The Ant Group have been impressing their teachers with the way they play so cooperatively together. Children have been negotiating and communicating to achieve shared goals. One of these was creating an obstacle course to play “the floor is lava”. Children helped each other make it over the lava, and decided which direction the course would go, and what to do on the different components. Children also worked together to lay out the shape blocks in a pattern where they would all fit. Outside in the yard, children take turns to give each other rides on the yellow bike. When someone gets stuck on the scramble net, a friend is there to help. 


Wombat Group

The Wednesday Wombat Group have had a successful start to Term 2. It was lovely to see the children arrive this week, eager to see their friends and participate in our Teddy Bear’s Picnic. Each child brought a special teddy or soft toy on the day, and during indoor activities they had the opportunity to paint bears at the easel, draw bears at the drawing table, complete bear puzzles and bear pastings, read bear books and enjoy tiny coloured bear figurines in play at the playdough table. They also each carefully iced and decorated their own teddy bear biscuit to eat later at our picnic. It was great to witness the children gathering together socially as a group, fostering a sense of belonging, and sharing happiness and satisfaction. 


Beth Parker

Head of Early Learning