From the Principal's Desk

Swimming Program
Our Year Prep - 4 Swimming Program commences on Wednesday 7th November which is the day after Melbourne Cup Day and will run for eight (8) consecutive days at the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre. Permission requests have been sent out via CareMonkey. Swimming is part of the Physical Education curriculum and it is expected that all students attend. Students will be bussed to and from the venue each day and each lesson runs for 43 minutes.
The time table for the program is as follows:
First Lesson:
Year Prep N, Year 1/2H & Year 4S
- Bus Departs CCK at 11:50am
- Lesson: 12:30pm – 1: 13pm
Second Lesson:
Prep V, Year 3/4L and Year 3S
- Bus Departs CCK at 12:34pm
- Lesson: 1:15pm – 1:58pm
Third Lesson:
Year 1/2C and Year 3/4Z
- Bus Departs CCK at 1:18pm
- Lesson: 2:00pm – 2:43pm
Please Note:
Year 3/4S have been split into 2 groups: Year 3 children (Year 3S) and Year 4 children (Year 4S).
Please ensure that all items of clothing and the swimming bag are clearly labelled with the child’s name and grade. No jewellery is to be worn during the swimming program.
Parents who wish to observe their children swim are asked to adhere to the following guidelines as set by the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre:
ALL parents/spectators must enter through the main entrance doors and report to customer service to advise they are watching the swim program with the school
No photographs are to be taken by parents/spectators
Parents/spectators must remain 4 metres from the edge of the pool and are NOT to approach children (or instructors) during lessons
Throughout the program we encourage the children to be as independent as possible, including getting themselves dressed in the change rooms after their lesson so we ask that parents allow their children this opportunity… you will be surprised at how capable they are! Therefore parents are NOT permitted in the change rooms while the children are getting changed. Teachers will be reminding you of this so please respect their requests. We also ask that items from the canteen are not purchased for children.
During the swimming program it is important that all children have a healthy and hearty breakfast and that they bring some extra healthy snacks to keep them going throughout the day, especially since they will be having an earlier lunch than normal.
2019 Planning
Our planning for 2019 is well underway in regards to staffing and class structure. If any family knows that they will not be returning in 2019 I ask you to make contact with the school office as soon as practical.
School Fees
Thank you to all families who have finalised Fee and Levy accounts for 2018. If you are yet to do so we ask that this be attended to immediately (unless otherwise arranged with me) as these are now overdue. Payments can be made at the school office or by EFT via:
BSB: 083 347
Account Number: 488033614
Please reference family name or ID number with your payment.
Footsteps Dance Program
Our Footsteps Dance Program commenced last Friday and will continue throughout the term with the exception of Weeks 5 and 6 (Swimming Program weeks).
Children in all year levels are to wear their sports uniform on Fridays this term.
Term 4 School Closure Day
The school closure day for Term 4 is on Monday 5th November for staff professional development. Children do not attend school on that day.
Sun Smart
As per our Sunsmart Policy, during Term 4 all children are expected to wear their school hat during morning recess, lunch time and outdoor PE lessons. Children who do not have their hat at school will be expected to play in the shaded areas.
Summer Uniform
By the commencement of Week 3 it is expected that all children will be wearing their correct summer uniform.
Regional Athletics Finals
On Tuesday 16th October, three of our Year 5/6 students represented Corpus Christi at the Western Metropolitan Regional Athletics Finals. Congratulations to:
Carl Refardt who came 4th out of 15 competitors in Discus with a 28.07 metre throw
Edward Phan-Trinh who came 12th out of 18 competitors in the Long Jump
Bawngtu Inmang who came 6th out of 17 competitors with a 9.07 metre throw in Shotput
A great effort by all the boys who can all be extremely proud of their achievements up against very tough competition!
Zooper Doopers
Commencing this week, our Social Justice Leaders will be selling Zooper Doopers at lunchtime on Fridays. The Zooper Doopers cost $1.00 each and all proceeds will go towards our Social Justice initiatives this term.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Jane Wilkinson
Acting Principal