Philosophy in Schools Readings

Roger Sutcliffe | No philosophy - No Humanity | TEDxWarwick
Roger’s specialist areas are Philosophical / Dialogical Teaching, Inquiry-led Learning, Critical Thinking, Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning, Values Education and Philosophy for Global Citizenship. His talk centres around the ideas of expressing good ideas well and encouraging Communities of Inquiry to engage citizens. Roger was one of the founder members of SAPERE, the leading UK charity for promoting Philosophy for Children (P4C), and was Chair from 1996 until 2003. In the same year he was elected President of ICPIC, the international equivalent of SAPERE. Roger’s specialist areas are Philosophical / Dialogical Teaching, Inquiry-led Learning, Critical Thinking, Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning, Values Education and Philosophy for Global Citizenship. He is about to publish Thinking Moves A – Z, a comprehensive scheme for the teaching of thinking.