Learning in J10

Junior School J10 Talbot is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

It’s been a big couple of weeks of firsts’ in J10!  We have been busy making new friends, learning our classroom rules and procedures and setting ourselves up for a successful year.

We have been learning all about the Reader’s Workshop, discussing what it looks like, sounds like and feels like.  During our first library session, we practiced independent reading with a ‘Just Right’ book. Independent reading means our eyes stay on our book, our voices are quiet and we sit by ourselves to focus.


When we are looking for a ‘Just Right’ book we are looking on any page and if 1 or 2 words are tricky then that’s the right fit for us.

We have also been revising our School Wide Positive Behaviour System (SWPBS) Matrix and how we can be Respectful, Responsible and Resilient students at Pakenham Springs.  Thinking about this together we created our class mission statement that we will follow each day at school.

We are looking forward to having a very successful and fun year in J10 #learningisfuninYearOne!