Student Voice 

From Our School Leaders - Will, Ella, Chase, Monique

In the past couple of weeks there have been many school events occurring. Last Friday we had our St Joseph's Mini Olympics. We had 6 countries competing such as Kenya, Japan, America, Australia, Greece and England. All students participated and showed great sportsmanship. Congratulations to Japan for coming first. 

Sadly we will not be able to attend mass nor sing indoors due to new COVID-19 restrictions. Masks are not mandatory, however they are optional. 

Every Wednesday for the past 2 weeks we have been going to the new basketball facilities. We have been learning skills for basketball leading up to a match. 



  • Infants have not been playing hands on games with primary.
  • In footy tennis the ball has not been going over the fence.
  • Students around our  school have been picking up rubbish.



  • In  the cola no talking, and listen to the teacher.
  • No arguing with the ref in soccer or handball.
  • Pull the bin liner up if it's down.


Yours sincerely,

The Leaders