Focus on Learning 

Robyn Wilson 

Stage 2 Teacher 


Stage 2 students have been working tirelessly on Poetry the past 3 weeks.  They have been learning about many different types of poems and they would like to showcase what they have learned. 

Limerick- a limerick poem is a five lined poem that is silly and full of rhythm and rhyme. It follows the AABBA rhyme pattern.

Haiku- A Haiku is a Japanese poem that does not rhyme. It is a poem that describes something in nature. Haiku poems have three lines, with a certain number of syllables in each line. 

Line 1 = 5 syllables 

Line 2 = 7 syllables 

Line 3 = 5 syllables

Acrostic- An acrostic poem is a poem that has the name of a person, place or thing written in a vertical line, in all capital letters. Then, the poem is developed from the first letter on each line. The entire poem is about the name of the person, place or thing.

Autobiography- An Autobiography Poem is a poem all about YOU. All you need to do is follow a simple formula and you’ll have your very own Autobiography Poem.

Line 1: Your first name 

Line 2: Four adjectives that describe you (try to be creative!) 

Line 3: Child of (your parents’ names) 

Line 4: Who likes (things you enjoy) 

Line 5: Who feels 

Line 6: Who needs 

Line 7: Who gives 

Line 8: Who hopes 

Line 9: Who would like to see (places you want to go) 

Line 10: Resident of (city, state, country in which you live) 

Line 11: Your last name


Cinquain- A Cinquain Poem is formed out of five lines. It is a formula poem that can follow different patterns; based on syllables, number of words, or parts of speech. Our cinquain poem will depend on parts of speech and the number of words in each line. The pattern for our cinquain will be: 

Line 1: One noun 

Line 2: Two adjectives that describe the noun 

Line 3: Three verbs describing the actions of the noun 

Line 4: Four words that tell how the noun makes you feel 

Line 5: Synonym for the noun on line one 

Alliteration- Alliteration Poems have words that repeat the same beginning letter sound throughout most of the sentence. Using alliterations is a way to make writing more enjoyable for your readers! 

Diamante-A Diamante poem (also known as a “diamond poem” is a seven-line poem that forms a diamond shape when it is written. There are two types of Diamante Poems; synonym diamantes and antonym diamantes. The first and last lines of the poem are only one word (either synonyms or antonyms).The first three lines are about the beginning topic, the middle line is about both topics and the last three lines are about the

ending topic.