Dates to Remember

Important Dates to Add to Your Calendar


25th CSEF Parent Applications Close today

25th Last Day of Term 2 - finish at 2.30pm


12th Curriculum Day – NO SCHOOL ON THIS DAY (OshClub available)

13th First Day of Term 3

19th School Twilight Tour - Foundation Families 2021 - 6.00 - 7.00pm

21st Years 3-6's House Athletics at Bill Sewart Athletics Track 9.00am - 3.00pm

25th Working Bee - 9.30-11.30am

26th PFA Meeting 7.30pm

27th OPEN EVENING for Children and Parents/Carers, 3.45 - 5.15pm


4th School Discovery Session - 1st Session 2.45pm - 3.30pm

11th School Discovery Session - 2nd Session 2.45pm - 3.30pm

18th School Discovery Session - 3rd Session 2.45pm - 3.30pm

23rd 3-6's District Athletics - Selected children

23rd PFA Meeting 7.30pm

25th School Discovery Session - 4th Session 2.45pm - 3.30pm

30th Building Resilience in Children 6.00 - 7.30pm - Bookings via TryBooking 


2nd Books to Life Incursion - Whole School Incursion

15th Year 3/4 Camp at Camp Manyung

16th Year 3/4 Camp at Camp Manyung

17th Year 3/4 Camp at Camp Manyung

17th End of Term 3 - finish at 2.30pm


4th Term 4 Commences

6th Division Athletics 

14th Eastern Metropolitan Athletics

18th PFA Meeting

25th 2022 Foundation Parent Information Night 6.30 - 7.30pm


2nd Melbourne Cup Public Holiday

3rd Whole School Production

4th Whole School Production

5th Curriculum Day - NO SCHOOL ON THIS DAY

10th Classroom Discovery - 1st Session

17th Classroom Discovery - 2nd Session

22nd PFA Meeting 7.30pm

24th Classroom Discovery - 3rd Session


17th Last Day of Term 4 - finish at 1.30pm