Religion and Parish News


Dear God,

Please bless our grandparents.

Thank you for the life they gave my parents and for the life they give to me.

For the ways they helped me and made me strong, I give thanks.

For the ways they love me no matter what, I rejoice.

For the ways they have paved the road that leads me here, I am grateful.

Let them grow in wisdom and find joy in life.

Let them find peace and rest from their work.

Let them be healed of every sickness and pain.

And let them see with their own eyes the

glory of your Son, Jesus, in the love of

their children and grandchildren.

Bless them always until they come to

rest in you.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Prayer By Diana Macalintal Copyright © 2005 (http://Dsjliturgy.Org/2006/08/27/A-Prayer-For-Grandparents/)

Upcoming Sacraments

  • First Reconciliation - 6pm, Thursday 9th September, 2021

If your child is in Years 3-6 and has missed the Sacrament of First Reconciliation for some reason, and you would like them to participate in this Sacramental Program next term, please contact Mal Frend as soon as possible at to discuss your options.

Information will be distributed to families about this Sacramental Program in the next fortnight. 

Key Dates for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation Program:

  • Parent Information Evening - Thursday 12th August, 6pm, at St Joseph’s Church
  • Enrolment Mass - Either Saturday 14th August, 6pm OR Sunday 15th August, 8:30am at St Joseph’s Church
  • First Reconciliation Retreat Day - Thursday 9th September at St Xavier’s School

Sacrament of Confirmation

On Sunday 20th June, our parish celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with the Most Reverend Michael Kennedy, Bishop of Armidale and Fr Abmar Dumayag. It was a wonderful celebration, with the church just fitting in the 32 candidates and their families under the COVID-19 social distancing restrictions at the time (without having to spread the Confirmation Mass over two celebrations as other parishes have had to do). 

We would like to acknowledge and thank everyone who helped prepare the candidates for this Sacrament and who made this very holy occasion possible; Fr Abmar and Fr Samson, the Year 6 teachers at St Xavier’s Primary school, catechists, parishioners, families and sponsors.

Retreat Day
Confirmation Mass
Certificate Cereomony
Retreat Day
Confirmation Mass
Certificate Cereomony

Marriage and Family Week

Throughout Week 3, students will be engaging in lessons relating to Marriage and Family Week. This is an annual directive of Bishop Michael Kennedy. A Religious Education lesson during Week 3 will focus on the family being the first source of education for children.

The family is the basic unit of society and of the Church. It is within the family that each person’s religious sensitivities are first called to life. Love, trust, wonder, reassurance, belonging, gratitude, a growing sense of responsibility and commitment – all of these set the foundations for experiencing God and growing in a relationship with God and others.

We are all born into a family that has its own story. Members of a family belong to each other and are connected to each other in a special way. Understandings about ‘family’ can be related to the Catholic belief that all are part of God’s family, also connected to each other in a special way. As members of God’s family we all share in the continuing story of the people of God.

Marriage and Family Week will be celebrated in our Parish Mass this coming weekend (Saturday evening Mass at 6pm and Sunday morning Mass at 8:30am). Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, people wishing to attend one of these Mass times must first book in by ringing the Presbytery on (02)6742 0200. If you are interested in establishing prayer in your family setting, please click on the following link to read about tips for family prayer

Class Mission Money

We would like to encourage your child to continue their wonderful almsgiving towards their class Mission Box. As you know, we have two major fundraising periods throughout the year - Lent (Project Compassion) and Mission Week (October). Outside of these periods, your child can still make donations to their class Mission Box, which are collected on a fortnightly basis. If your child is unsure where their class Mission Box is, please encourage them to ask their teacher in order to show preferential option for the poor. 

News from the Parish

Here’s a link to the latest Parish Bulletin for Sunday 18th July.

Please note, social restrictions in our parish have changed with the recent COVID-19 outbreak in NSW. You need to be aware of the following changes:

  • Mask-wearing is mandatory for entry into the church.
  • No congregational singing
  • A maximum of 70 parishioners in attendance at each Mass.
  • QR codes are available when signing-in.

If you wish to secure a place for a particular Mass, please ring the Presbytery Office on (02) 6742 0200 and put your name on the list. It is preferable to make these bookings between the hours of 8:30am to 12:30pm, Monday to Friday. You will still be required to check-in upon arrival at Mass.