School News

Marni Naa Pudni 

Welcome back to the start of Term 3. It has been a very chaotic start to the term due to the COVID situation. It has been wonderful to have students back at school today. 


Please take the time to read the vital information below as we ease into some normality of daily school life. 


As the Chief Public Health Officer said, just because the hard lockdown is being lifted does not mean that the risks associated with COVID-19 have passed.


Access to school grounds

We will continue to minimise the number of people coming and going from our school. Please drop and collect your child at the school gates and maintain the appropriate physical distance from other adults. Leadership will be attending at the gates at drop off and pick up.



All assemblies are postponed into the near future.


Camps and excursions

  • All of our excursions have been postponed until further notice.
  • We are able to organise local walks to the local park/creek that is within walking distance of the school.

Face masks

A key protection that allows us to return to our normal daily activities while these risks remain is the use of face masks. Face masks will be worn by all staff when indoors.


The following exemptions from face mask use apply:

  • primary school students
  • staff when teaching or engaging with students
  • during PE lessons
  • all staff when outside
  • eating and drinking

Your child might have questions about wearing masks. It's important we continue to follow SA Health advice and your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated, as we help students and staff with this necessary change.


Home Learning

LNPS will not be offering an alternative home-based learning program unless your child is impacted by SA Health quarantine orders. Teachers will be in contact to discuss and share remote learning arrangements.


Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

Lockleys North Primary School OSHC is open in line with the return to school directions.


Physical Distancing

We encourage all families to continue practicing physical distancing from other adults at all times.



  • Our SAPSASA sporting events have been postponed.
  • PE lessons can continue as normal.


Thank you very much for your support during the lockdown.  We have received a massive amount of positive feedback from families and students during this challenging period. This has helped all staff to continue to stay positive and meet the needs of our school community.


Goal Setting Conferences

LNPS continuously strives to create the best possible conditions for learning, and an important element is our approach to student goal setting. Throughout the year students and staff engage in learning experiences where time is taken to discover strengths and the areas for growth that they would like to focus on. 


This term students will reflect on their existing goals, celebrate achievements and plan for further growth. 


Due to the impact of the COVID Lockdown, Goal Setting Conferences will be happening over Week 4 and 5 (9th August to 20th August). We are hoping this shift will give students and teachers more time to conduct reflections and set new goals. 


Due to this change the Sentral Portal for bookings will be open to families on Friday 30th July and close on Thursday 5th August. Families will receive an email this Friday with details for booking conferences. 


Teaching and Learning Newsletters

On Friday 6th August Teaching and Learning Newsletters will be distributed to families. These newsletters will have a focus on the everyday operations of the school as well as an extensive outline of how we approach learning at LNPS. 


Newsletters will have more of a focus on 'how' students will learn and less on the 'what'. Parents/caregivers who would like further information regarding the content that is covered at each year level the ACARA website outlines the Australian Curriculum. 




Tyson and Mirjana