From the Principal's Desk

Back-To-School Operational Guidelines

While there has been some easing of restrictions in terms of recreation, sport and venue limits we are yet to receive an updated Operational Guidelines so the current COVID-Safe practices will continue to operate. As always, should guidelines change families will be informed.


A reminder that Lunch Orders are not available until further notice.

100 Days of Prep

A HUGE congratulations to our wonderful Preps on their 100 Days of School celebrated this week. 


The children participated in a range of fun activities as well as dressing up as Centenarians to celebrate their wonderful milestone.


A special mention to Mirella Verga who was so kind to bake some wonderful cookies for our children (and teachers!) to decorate to celebrate their 100th Day of School! Thank you Mirella!


In keeping with our COVID-Safe Plan, our Monday Assemblies will continue to be held online for the interim period. For parents wishing to 'attend'  next week's Assembly, the link is:

National Gallery of Victoria (NGV)  Whole School Excursion

Yesterday you should have all received notifications via Operoo regarding our upcoming excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) on Wednesday 11th August.


Please read the detailed information provided, make sure your child's profile is up to date and submit your acceptance.

This should be a wonderful opportunity for our children and something for us to look forward to.   

School Closure Days: Staff Professional Development Days

Please note the schedule of our School Closure Days: Staff Professional Development Days for the remainder of the year-

  • Friday 27th August
  • Monday 4th October
  • Monday 1st November

Have a wonderful week

God bless

Anthony Hyde


Book Club

Term 3 book club is out now!


Catalogues were given to your children last week. Please order through the online loop portal by 11th August at 4 pm. I will arrange for books to be delivered and handed out to the students after this date. Remember, 10% of sales are donated back to the school to help buy school supplies.


Any questions please contact me at


Kylie Feely