Student Services : Wellbeing 

Mental health is important during the holidays 


The holidays are typically seen as the happiest time of the year, but it can be a hard time for a lot of people. Mental health is important all the time, but the holidays where everyone is looking so happy is a very important time to make sure you’re doing okay and it’s important to check in on the people that you care about.  


It’s okay to reach out to your friends or family during the holidays. You might feel like you don’t want to bother your friends or family, but your true friends and your family will want to help you through a difficult time.  


Check in on your friends, even the happy ones, not just during the holidays but any time of year. I know we always say “oh you can always reach out if you need to talk” but many people don’t want to admit when they’re struggling. Many don’t want to or can’t bring themselves to admit that things are not going well. This is why it’s also important to check in on your happy-looking friends as well, people are good at hiding their emotions. 


The Student Wellbeing Team hope that you have a safe and relaxing break and look forward to seeing you in Term 3.



Chill Skills for Year 7 & 8 Students 


In Term 3 the Student Services Student Wellbeing team will be delivering a small-group program called Chill Skills to students in Year 7 and 8.

Chill Skills is an eight week program (1 period each week) for students in Year 7 and 8. Each week students will meet to join in this interactive program that supports students to build practical skills and strategies for managing anxiety and building confidence. 


Chill Skills has been designed for students who have been feeling low or anxious - while it’s totally normal to feel this way sometimes (such as before a big test, game or performance) if anxiety is starting to take a toll Chills Skills is a great way to learn some new ways to manage these feelings. 


If you are a student (or the parent of a student) who is interested in participating please submit an expression of interestby Friday 16th July.  Chill Skills will be delivered by Kat Brissett (Mental Health Practitioner) and Megan Simmons (Student Wellbeing Coordinator).