Sports News

House Swimming Carnival (Y4 - 6)

Last Tuesday (19 February), the Year 4 - 6 students and teachers headed off to GESAC for our annual swim meet. It was an overcast, 20 degree day with excitement and nerves abuzz around the pool. Every student participated in as many events as they liked, as well as a fun noodle relay to end the day. Many students swam in over 3 events each! 


There was cheering and encouragement from each House, particularly WOOD HOUSE who were led in their chanting by the very vocal Jack Canty, Teacher Assistant. We even had a Staff vs Year 6 students relay to end the day which was loads of FUN for all! Fortunately, the staff regained the crown as the LEANEST, FASTEST SWIMMERS and finished in the 1st and 2nd positions. The overall results on the day were:


1st:     WOOD                316 points

2nd:   MCDONALD      306 points

3rd:    RESERVE            295 points

4th:    MOREY                263 points


WOOD also received the House Spirit Award for all their hard supporting, encouragement, efficiency in running the team and cheering the loudest on the day for their HOUSE. Thanks Jack for motivating and creating lots of FUN for all the students.


The students in each event for each age group who swam the best times will compete on Thursday 7 March at the District Swimming Carnival representing BNPS at MSAC.


The PE Team

Kirsty Hall
Debbie O'Brien
Naomi Hunter
Kirsty Hall
Debbie O'Brien
Naomi Hunter

House Captain Reports

McDonald House

Hi, we are your 2019 McDonald House Captains. This week Years 4, 5 and 6 participated in a Swimming Carnival. Overall, Wood won both awards. All the House Captains participated in a race against the teachers. Sadly, the teachers won but everyone had a great time.


Ben W
Kiara M
Jay F
Isabel H
Ben W
Kiara M
Jay F
Isabel H



Wood House

On Tuesday we had the swimming carnival. Everyone was pumped in Wood House! We were all encouraging and supportive. Jack was a massive cheerleading attribute which led to the House Spirit Award and then Wood won and it was great. We all had a great day.


Jet C
Jess L
Mitch R
Remy P
Jet C
Jess L
Mitch R
Remy P


Reserve House

At the House Swimming Carnival last week it was great to see everyone cheering each other, Reserve came 3rd  with 295 points. Everyone from year 4-6 had to compete in at least 1 event.


Alfie L
Adelaide B
Ruby A
Emmanuel B
Alfie L
Adelaide B
Ruby A
Emmanuel B


Morey House

The House Swimming Carnival was a blast, it was great to see people having so much fun and enjoying themselves even when swimming isn’t their favourite thing. It was also great to see people cheering everyone on especially others in their House. Congratulations to Wood who won. And congratulations to everyone who participated in at least one event! It was so much fun and I’m sure everyone enjoyed it!


Oliver P
Ashton N
Katherine G
Sophie N
Oliver P
Ashton N
Katherine G
Sophie N