Early Learning Centre
Early Learning Centre
Another busy time for the Early Learning Centre.
During the last weeks we have:
- Shared morning tea on the front oval with the Reception boys for Harmony Day
- Made Anzac biscuits read the Anzac story in preparation for 25 April
- Practised for Sports Day
- Visited the library
Free ticket online (save $20) to the Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s Expo
April 13 & 14 10.00-5.00 Adelaide Showgrounds, Wayville
Visit: pbcexpo.com.au
Diary Dates:
Family Night - Tuesday 9 April, 6:00-7:30pm - Please return your attendance slip for catering
Last day of Term 1 - Friday 12 April - Have you returned your vacation care booking form?
First day of Term 2 - Monday 29 April
Have a wonderful and safe Easter and Holidays,
From everyone at the Early Learning Centre
Mrs Karen McEntee