From the Principal...

Mrs Alanna McRae

Social Media Concern

Yesterday there was a graphic video circulating on social media platforms. While the video originated on Facebook it spread onto several other social media platforms as well. The Catholic Schools Office blocked all diocesan school access to all social media sites and apps and this will remain in place for at leas the next 24 hours. 


Today we became aware that a number of Stage 3 students have seen this video or have had it shared with them outside of school. We have spoken to a number of parents who were unaware of their children having seen this content. This is a topic that was discussed this morning before school between children and once we were alerted we spoke to all Stage 3 children.


I encourage all parents to check in with their children, while the majority had not seen the video a number of them were part of discussion where the video was being discussed. We have strongly encouraged the Stage 3 students to stay away from all social media sites at the present.