Classroom News - Year 5

Mrs Smith, Mr Lester and Mrs Newsome

                                              Term 3

Year 5 are enjoying a very productive Term 3. We have been very engaged and students are enjoying a variety of activities. This week we have been celebrating NAIDOC week and participating in Indigenous activities and we have a mufti day wearing the Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander colours. Thank you to all Year 5 students who participated in the athletics carnival last Friday. All students showed wonderful sportsmanship and effort and made their house teams proud.




In English we are studying the novel 'The Duck and the Darklings'. The  Duck and the Darklings is a triumphant story, for children and adults, about the coming of hope in dark days, the warmth of friendship and the splendour of a new dawn. We are continuing with our VCOP focuses and we are completing a cold write this week using the persuasive writing genre. We have also been studying different forms of poetry and students have really enjoyed completing these and we have seen some wonderful poems.

Year 5 Poetry

Kennings Poems 

Grandparents by Hunter McDonald









Sea food-freaks








Grandparents by Rap Pabalan









Haiku Poem

Puppies    by Laura Lidgard

A fearless fluffball                                          

Circling their tail as their prey

Face smiling, puppies


Haikus relating to The Duck and The Darklings Annabel Westwood

They waddle about                                                         

Beaks gaping as they go QUACK

Ducks quacking around


When you think life’s gone

Nature will show you the light

 Nature shall re-grow


Stories make me smile                                                        

  Joyful memories like movies 

   Retelling the past 


Suffocating dark

  Waiting for sun to awake

    For now, yin is here


ACROSTIC POEM Annabel Westwood

Memories play like movies in my head

Evil memories flash by, making me shiver

My mind is a cinema

Over and over they play

Recalling my fails and triumphsImagination runs loose

Escaping the harsh existence I live in, in one minuscule blink

Slipping me back into my past



In Mathematics we are completing a problem solving unit this week and we will be studying decimals, length and time over the fortnight before the holidays.



In Science we are finishing of our PBL this week. We have been studying different materials and Sustainability. This week the students have to complete their create task which is to design a sustainable playground with consideration for our planet and the Stewardship of God's creation.



For the remainder of term 3 we are studying Creation.This unit explores creation as a gift from God, which we are called to care for and protect. Students will identify issues of misuse and mismanagement in the environment and explore how we, as stewards of creation, can respond appropriately and compassionately. We will also be exploring the concept of Sabbath and the need for Sabbath time in our lives.



In weeks 9 and 10 we will be studying a unit called 'Factors that Shape Place' as a PBL. Students will investigate how people change the natural environment in Australia and other places around the world. They also explore how the environment influences the human characteristics of places. Students examine ways people influence the characteristics of places, including the management of spaces. Students explore the impact bush fires have on Australian people, places and environments and propose ways people can reduce the impact of bush fires in the future.