Classroom News - Year 2

Miss Simpson, Mrs Phelps and Mrs Cain

New Learning Space!

Last week we moved into the new Year 2 Learning Space! All the teachers and children are thrilled to be working in our new and exciting space full time. So far we have been able to use the space to do lots of exciting activities with the cohort, giving us the opportunity to work with our friends and share ideas.


Using the space to act out some different scenarios in PDH
Using the space to act out some different scenarios in PDH


This term in Science we have been learning about light and sound. This week we have been investigating how light travels and how shadows are made.

Investigating how to make shadows
Investigating how to make shadows
Experimenting with light graveling through different objects.
Experimenting with light graveling through different objects.

In the next few weeks we will be focusing on how sound is made. In this part of the unit we will get the opportunity to make our own musical instruments using recycled materials from home. We would love it if families could start thinking about some house hold items that could be reused instead of thrown away. Some examples could be toilet paper rolls, boxes, plastic containers, rubber bands ect.



This week St Mary’s is celebrating NAIDOC Week. NAIDOC Week has nicely coincided with our Storybook for this fortnight, You and Me, Murrawee, which explores the traditions  of Aboriginal peoples from 200 years ago. We have been comparing how our lives nowadays are both similar and different, and we have enjoyed continuing to learn more and more about the rich cultures of Australia. 

Today we got the opportunity to do some traditional beading, and on Thursday we will celebrate by wearing red, yellow or black to school.