
The Angelico Exhibition

The Angelico Exhibition is a prestigious annual event on the Catholic Arts calendar. The exhibition provides a broad public forum through which students throughout Western Australia are able to exhibit their dynamic artistic talent.


Despite the challenges faced due to COVID 19 restrictions, the Angelico Exhibition will proceed this year but in a digital format, via a 3D virtual tour of the exhibition. The exhibition can viewed by clicking on the following link:


This year John XXIII College has ten students exhibiting their artwork in the Angelico Art Exhibition. Congratulations to the follow students on their participation in the exhibition:


Group Entry: Year 7 Students

Alicia Odgers, Ruby Verleg, Jennifer Ong, Sylvie Lipscombe, Etienne Pontre-Gibson, Sofie Giannas


Acrylic on canvas

This series of artworks celebrates the diverse flora that Australia is well known for. Inspired by the painterly style of Margaret Preston, these compositions are an intimate snapshot of simple moments from nature. 



Yvette Rigg


Acrylic on canvas

I completed my artwork during lock down when we were not able to see friends and family due to Covid-19. My painting reflects my feelings of solitude and the blue of the empty sky symbolises the space that was made when my life was not as full.


Elinor Wright (Year 12)

Life Matters

Oil on canvas

Life is a beautiful sacred gift, especially in the early stages when a unique human has been created. In my artwork, God’s mighty hand is reaching out to the most defenceless and vulnerable in our society.



Grace Barbour (Year 11)


Oil on canvas & board

Hope is not the belief that everything will be fine, but acceptance of the unknown and the strength to endure. The sunflower, having faith in that the sun will rise again, reflects the cycle we experience of hope.




Abbey Chapman (Year 11)

All That I Am

Oil and gold leaf on canvas

My Renaissance self-portrait shows conflicting ideals of femininity throughout history, particularly its portrayal in art. The lipstick war-paint on my cheeks implies feelings of revolt, contrary to the typical feminine ideals of the Renaissance era.





Louise Hoy

Coordinator - Visual Arts


Celebrating Languages Week

“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way!”


The Language Team were in full swing celebrating the multiple skills of our wonderful students during Language Week.


The Year 7s held the Tour de France with Team Italia, Team Francaise and Team Nihon competing for the Yellow Jersey. Fortunately, there were far more thrills and far less spills that the opening of the 2020 Tour de France in Nice. The spirit and enthusiasm of each team member and their very excited supporters were wonderful. Congratulations to Team Nihon for bringing home the Yellow Jersey. Thank you to our Year 7 Language Teachers for preparing students for the mighty Tour de France – Ms Helen Aghdasi, Ms Jennifer Leckey, Ms Desa Lucas and Ms Clare Galati.


The Year 8s will be bringing the 2020 Olympic Games to the College on Monday. Many thanks to Ms Jessica Donovan and Mr Daniel Curtis for the support in helping France, Italy and Japan compete in a variety of fun events.


The Year 9s participated in an International Quiz testing their knowledge of Language, Culture and Geography. Many thanks to Ms Jennifer Leckey as Quiz Master and Ms Helen Aghdasi for her support in purchasing prizes and organising the event.


The Year 10s had great fun learning about some traditional games and dances from our various countries. Each Language student in Year 10 was introduced to the “Tarantella” by Ms Anjuli Duncan, “Boule” by Ms Jennifer Leckey and “Kendama” by Ms Helen Aghdasi.


Our Year 11 and 12 students took some time away from the rigours of studying for the upcoming ATAR examinations to design and colour an Eco Bag – bringing hope for a greener, sustainable planet. Grazie to Ms Anjuli Duncan for organising this.


Our prayers, blessings and best wishes to everyone in our international community – stay safe, stay healthy and stay in touch. We are all looking forward to the day when we can meet again.



Shane Glass

Head of Learning Area (Languages)

Year 7 Social

Just over 180 Year 7s embarked on Melville Super Bowl last night buzzing with excitement. It was a fun night had by all who attended who were able to mingle freely amongst the cohort and strengthen relationships.


Many thanks to the wonderful Homeroom staff Mr Oorloof, Mrs Myers, Miss Tripi, Miss Westlake, Mrs Pattinson and Mr Connellan and also to Mr Yates, Mr Andrew Crane (Prac teacher) and Mr Henderson for assisting on the night.


Cameron Haines

Assistant Deputy Principal   Year 7

Time Capsule Unearthing

This week the past came alive for students and teachers at John XXIII with the unearthing of a time capsule buried 20 years earlier under a tree at the front of the College.

It was in the month of March, 1999 when the student members of H.O.P.E (Help Our Precious Earth) an Environmental Club established by their Geography teacher and passionate environmentalist Dr Yoon, commemorated their annual tree planting session at the College by burying a memento of College life beneath the earth. Containing messages and photos from staff, school documents and mementos, quirky artifacts and touching letters from College members, some who have now passed on, it was hoped that the contents of the capsule could reach across the years and speak to the College community of the future.


This hope was realised on Wednesday when students from the Sustainability Club (descendants of the pioneering H.O.P.E group) were joined by College Sustainability Captain Jasmin Collins, Head Girl Sophie Manners, Principal Robert Henderson, Vice-Principal Kath Negus and most fittingly Dr Yoon, still contributing her incredible gifts, talents and passion to John XXIII as a teacher all these years later. With the capsule  and its contents amazingly still intact and in great condition after 20 years in the ground, the group then adjourned to the library where the capsule contents inspired memories, laughs and stories about the people and events from JTC past to be shared between all. 

If the goal of the H.O.P.E group and Dr Yoon in burying the capsule all those years ago was to bring future generations of the College together in a spirit of camaraderie and friendship and create an atmosphere of joy, they truly succeeded in this.

Christian Thompson

Sustainability Coordinator

Season of Creation 2020

Each year from 1 September 4 October the Catholic Church joins with other Christian Churches in celebrating the Season of Creation. Throughout the month-long celebration, the world’s 2.2 billion Christians come together to care for our common home. It is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home. 


This year the theme of the Season is “Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope”. During the last three weeks of this term, the College will be celebrating the Season with a significant number of activities and experiences for the students, giving them a chance to experience sustainable lifestyle experiences, advocate and take action to protect the environment, and engage in prayer and reflection on the wonder and awe of nature, God’s true gift of love to all of us. 


Students are strongly invited and encouraged to participate in some of these activities to help make the Season of Creation 2020 at John XXIII College a memorable and successful one. 


Christian Thompson

Sustainability Coordinator


Senior League Volleyball Schools Cup

On Friday 28 August, John XXIII College sent a senior male and female volleyball team to compete in the School Sport WA Senior League Volleyball Schools Cup. This was a new addition to the sporting calendar and the key reason behind sending these teams was due to the high level of skills displayed by students during their ATAR Volleyball practical lessons in semester one. Once teams were selected in week one of this term, each team then trained twice a week in the lead up to the competition. All students are to be commended on the commitment they displayed to these training sessions as there was rarely a team member missing.


Both teams played extremely well throughout the day, all showing a strong understanding for the game. Our boys finished 4th in their division with some impressive wins throughout the day and our girls were undefeated all day up until the final where they lost to Canningvale College to finish in 2nd place. Congratulations to all team members for showing such a strong passion for the sport. With the majority our players being Year 11 students, our teams for 2021 are looking to be very strong.



A draft team was posted in the pavilion on Monday of this week for all students to view. Today was our official challenge day, where all students had the opportunity to challenge for their position on 2020 A Division Athletics Team. All track event challenges were run at the HBF Athletics stadium from 6:30-7:30am and all field events were held on the John XXIII College ovals from 7:00-8:00am. 


A final team will be posted next week, all named team members are encouraged to attend the morning athletics training sessions with our specialist coaches. All students are reminded that, to receive an athletics badge, they need to have attended at least five morning training sessions. There are only four training sessions left until the ACC A Division Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 16 September. All students are welcome to take part in the College training sessions.

Athletics Training Schedule

Training will continue on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 7:00am-8:00am up until the ACC A Division Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 16 September. All students are welcome to take part in the College training sessions.












ACC Relay Training P5-6


ACC A Division Carnival




Sara Kononen

Head of Sport


#No Child Left Behind 

Next week, 6-12 September, during ‘National Child Protection Week’, Jesuit Refugee Service is seeking to promote a national week of solidarity for the 16,000 children in families seeking asylum in Australia with their #No Child Left Behind Campaign.

John XXIII College, along with other Jesuit schools around Australia, will provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their solidarity with other children/teenagers their age, who are trapped in unfortunate and horrible circumstances. 


Roncalli Service - Virtual Coffee Club

It was good to interact with the residents. You could tell that it made them happy. Some of them had impressive stories to tell. 

Declan Cleary


I found it enjoyable and … fascinating to learn about each resident. I would have preferred ‘ in person’ but this is a great alternative. 

Harry Court


I enjoyed … finding out about their pasts and the fascinating lives they lived. 

Summer Delmotte


I think it was a good opportunity to speak to an age group we might not usually speak to and learn about their past experiences. It was nice to talk the residents about their past careers and schooling. Personally, I thought it was pretty cool to talk to the chemistry professor and to receive his wise advice to “learn the periodic table". 

Joshua Counsel

Year 9 students participated in another ‘virtual coffee club’, via TEAMS, to connect with residents of Mont Clare Aged Care. Due to the pandemic, it has not been possible to continue planned visits, which have been a feature of the Roncalli Service program in Year 9.  Thanks to the commitment and ingenuity of staff at Mont Clare as well as our very own support staff, the College was able to host a TEAMS meeting in the Circle of Friends café. 


Thank you to Year 9 students for your generous hosting of this event – and to Administration Assistant, Suesanne Sawyer who supported the students. Special thanks also to Jeff Jansen and Yugon Chobanoff for their continued technical support.


Social Justice Sunday

Last Sunday, the Australian Catholic Bishops launched the Social Justice Statement for 2020–21, entitled ‘To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today’.


The statement encourages faith communities, governments and each one of us, to make mental health a priority. It is a timely message in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic is affecting many members of our parishes, schools and communities. Understanding mental health will help us to be aware of those who need our support. The Statement encourages us all to reject stigmatisation, to work for the transformation of social determinants of mental ill-health, and to call for policies and service provision that meets the needs of the poorest and most marginalised members of our community.


The bishops’ statement may be downloaded here.

A short video is available on the Australia Catholic Social Justice commission website.   

Mary Anne Lumley

Director – Faith & Mission

Ward House Fundraising – Entertainment Books

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