From the Science Lab

Sherryl Crouch - Science Specialist

Students across all year levels are enjoying chemical science activities.


Year 2 students continued investigating the non-Newtonian fluid Oobleck to find out which objects would float and which objects would sink. They also discovered that oil floats on water. They observed food colouring sink to the bottom of an oil layer and mix with the water below.


Year 3 students carried out an investigation ensuring they conducted a fair test to find out whether chocolate melted faster as a whole Freddo or a Freddo broken into pieces.


Year 4 students were excited to receive the packages they sent through the post. Their aim was to select recycled materials that would protect biscuits sent through the post and have all biscuits arrive unbroken. Due to the high cost of postage, not all packages were sent through the post, so we sent the other packages through a simulated postal run – I think the simulated postal run packages had extreme conditions to deal with! Most groups were very pleased that their packaging was very effective, and the majority of the biscuits showed little damage. This week collaborative groups tested materials to investigate their properties.


Year 5 students have been working in groups to plan a video that explains the differences between solids, liquids, and gases. This week's part of their planning has included storyboards prior to filming.


The Year 5 / 6 class has been dissolving a solid in a liquid to make a solution to grow crystals. They have also used vinegar to make rubbery eggs. Students were surprised at how food colouring affected the egg white and yolk and how well they bounced…… unless dropped from too high!


This week, students also observed the effect of the gas created when mixing water with effervescent tablets. The pressure created made rockets that flew several metres into the air.

Year 6 students continued investigating chemical reactions with a focus on exothermic reactions. They also discovered that not all experiments work the way you expect every time.

This week they made a simple slime involving mixing a liquid and a solid that change when the heat is added.