Student Work

Wordle created by Year 9 CLP students

Students showcase their work from home. 

As lock-down 2.0 continues to the end of term 3, never before has the adage 'It takes a village to raise a child' been more apt.  

The high calibre of work produced remotely by our students can be seen not only as the result of their own tenacity but also of the diligence of our teaching staff coupled with the valuable commitment to remote learning by their parents and carers.  All are to be congratulated for this achievement.


This fortnight, years 7 and 8 had fun with logos and how they may look during the pandemic.

Will W - Year 8
Kiera T - Year 8
Julia T - Year 7
Dakota S - Year 8
Felicia K - Year 7
Bailey K - Year 7
Bridgette C - Year 8
Roschelle K - Year 8
Sienna S - Year 7
Will W - Year 8
Kiera T - Year 8
Julia T - Year 7
Dakota S - Year 8
Felicia K - Year 7
Bailey K - Year 7
Bridgette C - Year 8
Roschelle K - Year 8
Sienna S - Year 7

Year 9 and 10 Art students included everyday items in their artwork as well as producing some very clever horse drawings.

Mattia I - Year 9
Isabella D - Year 9
Kat M - Year 9
Isabelle E - Year 10
Kat M - Year 9
Regan T - Year 10
Kat M - Year 9
Kat M - Year 9
Isabelle E - Year 10
Regan T - Year 10
Mattia I - Year 9
Isabella D - Year 9
Kat M - Year 9
Isabelle E - Year 10
Kat M - Year 9
Regan T - Year 10
Kat M - Year 9
Kat M - Year 9
Isabelle E - Year 10
Regan T - Year 10


Year 11 and 12 artwork

Lara I - Year 12
Deena G - Year 11
Josh C - Year 11
Soraya L - Year 12
Kayla B - Year 11
Jess D - Year 11
Lara I - Year 12
Deena G - Year 11
Josh C - Year 11
Soraya L - Year 12
Kayla B - Year 11
Jess D - Year 11

Studio Artwork

Lauren T - Year 12
Maisie G - Year 10
Nirav N - Year 10
Ruby G - Year 10
Kai B - Year 10
Lauren T - Year 12
Maisie G - Year 10
Nirav N - Year 10
Ruby G - Year 10
Kai B - Year 10

Design Technology

The second task for the Year 7 & 8 students this term was to research the work of Alexander Calder. He was the first sculptor to really explore the idea of a mobile as a piece of artwork. The purpose of this task was to understand how the work of one designer can influence the work of another. The students then designed a sculpture that was inspired by Calder and made a model out of cardboard or whatever they could find at home. The construction technique we talked about was a slot-join. The last part of the task was to write about what their sculpture represented and what was their inspiration.  

Movement and Colour
Angelique G
Spring with new buds emerging
Keira T
Lachlan H Tree of Life
Movement and Colour
Angelique G
Spring with new buds emerging
Keira T
Lachlan H Tree of Life
Emma B
Luca P
Emma B
Luca P

Emma B

Calder’s wire sculptures inspired me by the abstract shapes and how the wire was twisted, and everything was stuck together.   

 I was inspired of the design of a blossom tree for my sculpture because when I saw the painting of the Grey Tree by Piet Mondrian that I have in my presentation, I thought to make a tree sculpture. I than thought to make it more interesting more sophisticated I will add pom poms. 

 There is no specific story being told in this wire sculpture. I was just trying to replicate a blossom tree as I find them pretty. If there was a story being told in my sculpture, I would say nothing is perfect because there were mismatched pom poms on the tree, and they were not all the same colour.   

 The shape that I made my wire sculpture represents a blossom tree. The pom poms are meant to represent the blossoms while the brown pipe cleaners represent the tree. 


Luca P

Alexander inspired me because I really liked his sculptures of the animals and his other Sculptures. I think they all look really cool. I really liked the sculptures that were spiky so that inspired me to do a spikey sculpture. I tried to make a spikey demon that’s angry. I really enjoyed making it. 

Food Studies

The families of our food studies students continue to reap the benefits!  

Below is a collection of junior students' creations including some inventive vegetable ideas to compliment their study on vegetables as well as some great McChef pancakes

Maryam - Year 9
Tacos by Jade-Maree - Year 8
Veggie Bugs - Kasha Year 7
Ashleigh - Year 8
Hunter - Year 8
Veggie Bug by Jayla - Year 7
Chia Museli - Kasha Year 7
Alanah Year 7
Hayden Year 7
Maryam - Year 9
Tacos by Jade-Maree - Year 8
Veggie Bugs - Kasha Year 7
Ashleigh - Year 8
Hunter - Year 8
Veggie Bug by Jayla - Year 7
Chia Museli - Kasha Year 7
Alanah Year 7
Hayden Year 7

Year 11 students produced their version of 'Schnitty and Potatoes'  as well as Raspberry Yoghurt Cake.



Year 8 students focused on chopping skills and  made some Tacos while the Masterchef students made their own flavoured popcorn. Caramel was a favourite!

Olivia Year 8
Gemma Year 8
Olivia Year 8
Gemma Year 8

Year 9 students concentrated on the health benefits of fruit in the diet and made Free Form Tarts with a fruit filling of their choice.

Griffin Year 9
Hayley Year 9
Imogen Year 11
Bronte Year 11
Ben Year 11
Griffin Year 9
Hayley Year 9
Imogen Year 11
Bronte Year 11
Ben Year 11

Year 11 students recently completed a Remote SAC where they produced an innovative canteen food solution. Numerous recipes were made in meeting this brief from Acai Bowls, Granola Bars, Gluten/lactose Free Banana Bread to many Stir Fries.  They also learnt the art of making a creamy textured Risotto. 

Hayley - Year 11Canteen Food Solution
Cassie - Year 11 Canteen Food Solution
Hayley - Year 11Canteen Food Solution
Cassie - Year 11 Canteen Food Solution