Australian Geography Competition 

During remote learning late last year most of our Year 7-10 students participated in the online trial of the Australian Geography Competition on the Education Perfect platform. This was done to assist in the preparation to move the Competition online in 2022. It was conducted in addition to the competition held earlier in the year (in March 2021).  


The results and certificates have just arrived and I would like to thank all the students who participated and congratulate the following geographers who performed extremely well. What a wonderful effort!!  


High Distinction 

Jai Fletcher 8 

Megan Jansen 8 

Olivia Pinkster 9 

Joshua Jansen 10 



Alexandru Mann 10 



Kyle Baillie 8 

Caleb Chu 8 

Joseph Denker 8 

Luke Faure 8 

Joshua Utley 8 

Faris Zhang 8 

Nethaya Fernando 9 

Caleb Jacobsen 9 

Adriana Kovtunova 9 

Elijah Lian 9 

Hannah Pendala 9 

Joseph Solomonsz 10 

Jack Soriano 10 

Jesse Yeap 10 

Elmarie De Beer 11 


Well done, Students! 


Mary Berlangieri 

Australian Geography Competition Coordinator