
Adapted from an excerpt from Jo Boaler - Professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University

“I’m not a math person.”

What you have believed about your own potential has changed what you have learned - and continues to change your learning and experiences. 


How many of you believe that you are not a ‘maths person’?


The idea of a ‘maths brain’ is fueled by a myth in society that is strong and can be damaging - that you are born with one, or you’re not. We do not believe this about other subjects. We do not believe that people are born with a physics brain or a history brain - we think you have to learn those. But with maths, people believe it.


Research on mindset has shown us that if you believe in your unlimited potential, you will achieve at higher levels in maths and life. An incredible study in mistakes has shown this very strongly. MRI studies have shown that your brain grows when you make a mistake in maths. Fantastic! When you make a mistake, synapses fire in the brain. In fact, researchers found that in MRI scans, when people made a mistake - synapses fired. When they got work correct, less synapses fired. And those with a growth mindset - who believe they had unlimited potential, grew their brains more than those who didn’t believe they could learn anything. So, making mistakes is really goodAnd we want students to know this. 


Our Year 5 and 6 students have been learning about positive mindsets and that we can all achieve in mathematics. Our cognition, and what we learn, are linked to our beliefs, and our feelings. Anybody can learn maths, to any level! 


Positive Learning Tips from Year 5 and 6:

Anybody can go to any level. What you believe in yourself changes your capability.Maya


Making mistakes is important to grow. It is how we learn.Maya


Making mistakes is actually really good.Belle


Your brain grows when you make mistakes and when you have a good mindset. E.g., I can do this! - Belle


If we say we can’t do something, our brain will hold us back. Anybody can go to any level in maths.Alfie


Everybody learns differently - there is more than one way to do something in Maths. Alfie


There are many ways and strategies you can work things out. - Sophie 


There is no such thing as a maths brain. - Sophie 


If your brain thinks negatively, then you won’t learn. Katie


Stay positive! Making mistakes makes you smarter. - Katie


Ten Apples Up On Top in Foundation

In Foundation, we have been learning about principles of counting, particularly the cardinality principle - understanding that the last count of a group represents how many are in the group. We had much fun reading “Ten Apples Up On Top!" by Dr. Seuss and connecting numbers names, numerals, and quantities up to 10. Have a look at our 10 Apples Up On Top artwork! Can you count them all? 

St James Problem Solvers

A big congratulations to our St James Mathematicians Tessa (Foundation), Eve (3/4CC), and Grace (Foundation) for solving our last newsletter challenge! We hope you enjoyed solving the problem together with your families.

We love smiling faces in maths! Well done to all of our St James Super Solvers.


Mathematics Assessment Interviews (MAI)

Over the next two weeks, all students in Foundation to Year 4 will undertake an individual Mathematics Assessment Interview with their classroom teacher. This 40-minute assessment allows teachers to develop a personal numeracy development profile of each child and assists them in informed, focused teaching of their students at their point of need.


The one-to-one interview time is invaluable in enhancing teachers’ understanding of an individual student’s mathematical understanding, thinking, and strategies.


Year 5 and 6 students will complete their assessment interviews in the coming weeks.


Can you solve Mrs. Mihalicek’s Problem of the Week?

Calling all mathematicians! (That’s you!)  Can you solve this problem with your family? All entries will receive recognition in the following newsletter and a sticker from Mrs. Mihalicek. Email your solutions and photos to

**Super Challenge**


Mathletics is now up and running for 2022! 


Your child now has take-home access to Mathletics, a targeted, rewarding, and captivating online learning resource aligned to curriculum standards. If your child has not received their details yet, rest assured that they will be bringing them home in the coming week.


Warm regards,


Belinda Mihalicek

Mathematics Leader