Parents Association 

Message from Co-Chairs

It was great to see such a strong turnout to our first major event of the year – The Welcome Disco.  It was lovely to be able to extend a warm welcome to all the new St James families, and for others an opportunity to finally socialize and catch up ‘mask free’.  Well done to all the kids across each year level who really embraced the colour theme with some creative costumes and decorations around the school grounds. As always, a big thank you to all the parent helpers and volunteers.


We build a sense of school community through the social and fundraising events we hold.  We rely on parent volunteers to make this work.  We recognize that families lead very busy lives, to help spread the load this year we are allocating key events across year levels.  Many hands make light work and we hope this new system will make it more manageable, plus provide the opportunity to create new friendships in your year level and other year levels be an enriched experience.


The PA is available to support each year in the planning and coordination of their event. The PA has extensive contacts, run sheets and hand over notes from past volunteers.  Year levels can be assured you will be not starting from scratch! Many of these events are building on what has been done previously. 


Other events across the year will continue to be coordinated on an opt in basis.  Many have a lead organiser but will need additional volunteers. 


Year level class reps have circulated information on which events each year is responsible for and a spreadsheet for volunteers to add their name to.  We appreciate any help you can provide. 


Finally, Dads and Kids Camp Friday 1st April – Sunday 3rd April.  Tickets have gone on sale via the trybooking link, get in quick, this is an incredibly popular event and places sell out fast (if they haven’t already).  Dads and Kids will head to Anglesea for a weekend of surfing, climbing, archery activities plus an opportunity to hang out and spend some quality time together.


Mums, don’t’ feel your missing out.  We may take the opportunity to catch up ourselves – stay tuned for further details.


The PA are very grateful for the continued support of all our parents and school community. 


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly:



Dad’s Drinks

Dad’s drinks every third Thursday of the month at various locations.


Easter Egg Raffle

Final Day of Term - 8 April @12:45pm prior to school finish @1:30pm


Colour Explosion Run

Coming to St James  6 May


Virginia Pullman & Connie Sands 

2022 STJPA Co-chairs