Principal's News 

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a period of fasting and spiritual renewal.  The word comes from an old English word ‘Lencten”. The lengthening of days in the northern hemisphere is Spring.


During Lent we contemplate the distance between who we are and who God intends us to be.


Why ashes? Ashes have a rich symbolic meaning.  With Christ the ashes have taken on a further symbolic depth.


The palm branches  used on Palm Sunday of the previous year are burnt to create the ash for Ash Wednesday.  Palm Sunday, the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, was welcomed by a crowd waving palm branches.  These palm branches were already a powerful symbol.  Christianity  inherited this symbol from Ancient Greece and Rome where the branch was used as a symbol of victory…  in sports …for winners in Chariot racing .. to the victorious in battles .. lawyers who won high level legal cases who would wear jewellery with palm motifs.


In our Christain tradition it symbolizes victory of the faithful over the enemies of our human deficiencies


This week we received the ashes and in a few weeks we will receive a new palm branch

May we spend some quality time with Our Father God during this Lent so that out of the ashes of our shortcomings, the fire of God’s love can be kindled.

Enjoy the Lenten period


Farewell Ms Agnew


Last week you would have received information regarding Karlee Agnew’s new appointment as a Learning Diversity Consultant for the Northern zone of the Melbourne Archdiocesan schools.  A copy of last week's information can be seen on the following Learning Diversity page.


Karlee will complete her time at St James on March 11th.   Parent Support Group meetings for some families are currently being conducted.  Please take the opportunity to thank Karlee for the support and guidance that she has provided to our children for the past years.  Last week I did receive a lovely email from a family which typifies Karlee’s respect in our school community.


‘It has been a pleasure working with Karlee and a big loss to our community, but a big gain to a broader scope’.


We thank Karlee for her dedication at St James, her professional and compassionate manner with the whole community and wish her well in her next stage of her professional life.


St James - a place where leaders come and grow and further their careers


Staff Changes


With the departure of Karlee Agnew,  Mrs Emma Herbert has been appointed as our Learning Diversity Leader for the next two years. Emma is a member of the Leadership Team as Religious Education Leader, STEM and Sustainability Leader.  Emma is very familiar with the structures and multidisciplinary approach in place at St James, our children, teachers and parent community. 


As a result Mrs Herbert will cease her classroom teaching of the Year 5 class at the end of Term 1.  Mrs Herbert 0.6 position(3 days) is currently advertised on the MACs portal.  We are already fielding a number of expressions for the position and will be able to communicate the appointment in due course. After the closing date all applications will be reviewed for alignment to essential requirements of the position. I am confident that the solid teaching and learning and pastoral care will continue with Emma’s replacement and with the strong leadership and wisdom that Mrs Antoinnette Ferrari provides to all children In Year 5.


Office Administration

There are some slight changes in the Office Administration that will take effect this week. Ange and Imelda are adjusting their hours of contact at St James.  Iris Webster will be supporting the admin of the school due to this adjustment. 


In light of this, please send future written communication to  


Ange will change from a seven (7) day fortnight to a five (5) day fortnight and Imelda will change from a ten (10) day fortnight to an eight (8) day fortnight.  

This change commenced Monday 28th February:    



  • Monday  - Thursday 


  • Monday /  Wednesday / Thursday  (Newsletter Week)
  • Wednesday / Thursday

Iris Webster will be at St James on Tuesdays and Fridays each week.  Iris has had many years of experience in accounts and administration at St Louis De Montfort, Galilee Catholic school, ANZ Melbourne, NAB.  Iris holds a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Finance.  We welcome Iris to the St James administration team.


It is wonderful to have very capable stars in the office at St James.  Appreciated by all.


2023 Enrolments


Important notice.  

The most effective school promotion we can have is from our parents.  St James is YOUR school.  You have made the decision to choose St James as the school for your children. Whether it was last year or in previous years, you made a considered decision and have an investment in St James. Can I request all Mums and Dads continue to advocate for YOUR school.

Please send this message to any family who may be interested (Phone call, email, text etc). Not only parents of 3 and 4 year olds but also children in other Primary levels.  

I am available to meet and chat to anyone who would like to know about St James.  



It is not what you do for your children

but what you have taught them to do for themselves,

that will make them

successful human beings.

Anne Landers


Faith in our future

