Secondary News 

Fit 2 Drive 

‘Fit 2 Drive’ was a program my fellow classmates and I participated in on the 15th of February, and I really enjoyed it. During Fit 2 Drive, we talked about the importance of road safety and the accidents we have experienced which was interesting. One of my favourite parts of the day was when we participated in an activity which involved us recreating a scene of a car crash that was based on a true story. The story that we recreated helped me realise how easily a car crash can occur and it put more things into perspective. Overall, I really enjoyed the day and learnt a lot from the program. 

Molly Payne


We would like to thank Fit 2 Drive, especially Candice for driving all the way to Edenhope to present this to our Year 11 students. Also, to Jim and fellow police officers who came in and shared their insight and knowledge on why driving responsibly is important. 

Miss Hardwick


Year 9-10 Visual Arts Elective

Some of the fabulous still life drawings that years 9 and 10 have created using ink and stick.

Clancy Shirrefs
Mattea Hollis
Emma Toms
Clancy Shirrefs
Mattea Hollis
Emma Toms


The Advance class had a trangia cooking challenge this week. With a criteria of taste, presentation and quality of cooking, students were tasked with making spaghetti carbonara. 

A huge success for all groups who created a range of meals, some more flavoursome and cooked than others! It's great to see students developing their cooking skills outside a regular kitchen!



The Senior Agriculture class were fortunate to have a shearing lesson from Hayden Trowbridge as part of their class. The students learnt about sheep, shearing and shearing sheds during the lesson. We thank Hayden for his assistance with the class.


We would also like to thank Dale McDonnell for helping us cart our silage down to the farm.


A reminder to parents: 

If anyone is interested in joining the Ag Committee please feel free to contact either the school or myself. The Ag Committee will be looking at future plans for the paddocks on the back oval.


Jane Francis

Agriculture Teacher