Opening Hours
Secondary Library:
Monday to Friday: (for students in Years 5-12 only) 8.30am to 4:30pm
(for students in Year 4) 8.30am to 3.45pm
Primary Library:
Students may borrow books after school if they bring a book bag and return the books they have finished reading. Please see staff in the Secondary Library for access and loans.
Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge (VPRC)
The VPRC began on the 15th March and runs until the 2nd September. Students in Years 7 and 8 have been registered and should now be able to login and start recording the books that have been read. Year 9 and 10 students are also most welcome to register and should speak to their English teacher or to library staff to get registered.
Students can find out how to login to the VPRC by going to the Secondary Library page on the hub. The link should be on the English hub page. This page will also feature some suggested books. Library staff are happy to answer any questions or help students login.
In the first twenty-one days of the Challenge, students have already recorded 260 titles. This is a great start.
Exciting News!
Eastern Regional Libraries is partnering with us. This now means that students are able to join the library and be able to access a number of resources to help in their education.
Please have a look at the included brochure for more information.
Below is a brief message from Eastern Regional Libraries about joining the program:
Hi Students, Parents and Guardians,
We here at Your Library are keen to get you onboard as library members. We run the Knox, Rowville, Boronia Libraries and many more. We have a huge list of services that could help you from study support, to eBooks and audiobooks, to borrowable video games. All free!
Getting signed up is as easy as having a parent or guardian go to and creating an account.
The barcode and password/pin number will be emailed to the parent or guardian and you will be ready to go. We will send a list with the names of students who have signed up to your school to verify.
Hope to see you in one of our branches soon!
The Your Library Team.
Library Book Club
This term, there has been a library club for primary students. Mrs Lepileo has been in the Junior Library at lunchtime on Tuesdays, welcoming Primary students wishing to come in and read. It has been very well attended.
Lynne Marks, Anita Little, Wai Peng Heath
Library Staff