Prep P Explores the Water Cycle
This Term we learnt how God thought of all our needs when he created the world.
We learnt how the water cycle is an extremely important process because it enables the availability of water for all living organisms and regulates weather patterns on our planet. If water didn't naturally recycle itself, we would run out of clean water, which is essential to life.
The students loved creating rain clouds and writing about what they like to do in the rain.
Shellene Pillifeant
Prep Teacher
Prep S Enjoys Learning Groups
The Prep P children have enjoyed learning in small groups at different times during our school days. Most days we have language groups where we practise our reading, writing and creative thinking. We write on our class whiteboards, read PM readers on our iPads and enjoy a wide variety of language games and puzzles.
We also often have maths groups where we work together to solve problems, classify groups, sort equipment and engage in creative games and activities.
Sonia Sires
Prep S Teacher
Year 1 - Teddy Bear’s Picnic
If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise
If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise
For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain
Because today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic
The Year 1s enjoyed their Teddy Bear’s Picnic with their fluffy teddies and their wonderful families. We were so blessed to hear an awesome pirate story from Mrs Elbourne and play so many fun games with our teddies. What an epic night!
Easter Egg Hunt With Our Year 11 Buddies
Earlier this week our Year 11 buddies surprised us with an awesome Easter Egg Hunt!
We had so much fun and can’t wait to be with our buddies again next term.
Gaye Jones & Natalie Nheu
Year 1 Teachers
Terrific Term 1 for Year 2!
The Year 2s have had a terrific first term. Besides learning lots of new information and skills, we have been exploring the concept of servant-heartedness and how we can build each other up through our words and actions.
This has included learning to work collaboratively in small groups and with other students that they may not usually work with, understanding that we are a team and we can all learn from each other. It has also been wonderful to see some of the quieter and shyer students becoming more confident in taking on the role of the leader during these activities. Well done Year 2s!
Mrs Hendricks, Miss Moss, Mrs Tay and Mr Grant
Year 2 Teachers
Year 5 Visit Sovereign Hill
Year 5 have enjoyed their very first excursion to Sovereign Hill! This long-awaited trip has been on everyone’s minds since the beginning of the year, and it was an event not to be missed.
Some reflections from Grade 5 students:
I liked the gift shop because I got lots of cool items. Panning for gold was pretty fun ‘cause finding the gold was like winning the lottery because gold is very rare. Akesh
When we arrived at the gold mine, we went on this tram underground and the guide gave us a tour of the mine they used. We did a lot of other things too but my favourite part of the trip was SHOPPING! We brought some money and bought some cool stuff. Esther
We had a fantastic time. Some of my highlights included gold panning, going into trams that do down deep into mining shafts, trekking underground and going into gift shops. Zara
My group went on an underground tram to examine the mine. The mine was dark, however the atmosphere was absolutely optimistic…. The excursion was filled with enthusiasm and I, personally, had the best time. Annabelle
I saw many specks of gold in the wet sand by the river. Some other people found gold, and it is very rare. Gold left in the river now is scarce, and all you find are tiny flecks of glitter. Overall, everything was fun. Serena
Year 6 Author Visit
This week 6L students enjoyed a visit from our very own 6L parent, author, Amani Udaman (Aisha's mum)!
Students listened to Amani's experience as an author and asked great questions about the reality of being an author and what it takes to write a book.
Students have also been presenting their Passion Projects! From the diplomatic power of ping pong to the poisonous saliva of the blue ringed octopus, these projects highlight each student's unique interests, and we get to learn more about this amazing world we live in – hoorah!
Year 3 Visit McClelland Gallery
It has been an exciting few weeks in Art. In week 6, the Year 3 students visited McClelland Gallery. They explored enormous sculptures, sound making sculptures and spent time making their own environmental installations. Students also listened to a First Nation curator about Indigenous plants, foods, and art.
Year 2 Visit NGV Australia
In week 7 the Year 2 students visited the NGV Australia, learning about what an art gallery is, how we can appreciate art and reflected on Indigenous and other Australian artists work Students especially enjoyed the Birrarung playground during their break.
Prep & Year 1 Art
The Preps have created fruit for the hungry caterpillar and the Year 1 students learnt about weaving and collaging.
The Jeremiah Tree
We are excited to unveil a hand-made artwork, created in a collaboration between our primary students and artist, Elizabeth Armstrong.
In 2021, Year 4 and 5 Students met with with Elizabeth to brainstorm ideas. With some extra contribution from Year 3s, the students made felt patches, and some students also designed images of fruit.
Elizabeth constructed the artwork from the student's felt patches, and she took inspiration from their drawings of fruit, to represent the tree in Jeremiah 17:7-8.
Tom Gibbs
Head of Visual Arts