SAVE THE DATE - Thursday 5th May
First 2022 Working Bee – 26th March
Thank you to the hardworking team of families who participated in the recent Working Bee. There was lots of shovelling, sweeping and scrubbing around the campus to get the College looking sharp in readiness for the Open Day.
Darren Waterworth
Business Manager
2022 Dedication Service
The College's annual Dedication Service was held this year on Monday 28th March. In this service, we dedicate the school year, student leadership team and the College to the Lord, and we do this together with the whole community.
It was a wonderful time of celebration and gathering, recognising the new College Captains, praying for our College community, great to be led by our Worship Band for the College Hymn and hearing a devotion from our guest speaker Mrs Gillian Asquith.
Thanks to our College Chaplain Rev Warwick Grant for leading us in the special service.
Catriona Wansbrough
2021 School Satisfaction Survey Results
Vividus Marketing have recently released their findings into the performance of St Andrews Christian College for the 2021 school year. A comprehensive study was undertaken across all facets of the College’s activities and a number of findings emerged in regard to the College’s overall performance and satisfaction levels.
Overall, there was a slight decline in our results for 2021. Apparently there has been a general decline in satisfaction results throughout most schools, due to COVID and the augmented time of remote learning that all families and staff had to endure.
Even though overall attitudes were slightly down, our results are still relatively high and encouraging, especially in the understanding of the College’s Mission, Purpose and reason we exist as a Christian school. The positive indicators that recognise and support our Christian emphasis, ethos and values are especially important in the culture of the College.
The best way to understand the community’s responses in the survey is to study the results in the summary 2021 graphs within the report below. The last section of this report “Comparison to Previous Years”, tracks our results from 2011 to 2021 and gives a good snapshot of our progress.
Open Day 2022 - A Spectacular Success
This year’s St Andrew Christian College Open Day was the most successful ever! The College welcomed over 400 guests who attended and participated in tours and festive events.
Visitors were amazed with our students maturity, confidence and ability to articulate the Christ centred values of our College so much so, that our office received numerous congratulatory email - Well done to our fantastic students!
Also a huge thank you to all our wonderful PFA volunteers for their help in organising and running the bbq with big welcoming smiles!
As part of the promotional lead up to the event College Captains Sarah Farmer & Kayle Dharmadasa enjoyed a fun outing to the Light FM recording studio to record a radio advert that aired in the week leading up to the open day.
‘The Light’ Positive Radio (Light FM) also broadcast on-site throughout the event that added a real air of excitement and kept the kids busy with a treasure hunt, face sticker competition and a heap of other prize winning activities.
Overall it was a stunning success that exceeded all expectations.
We look forward to an even bigger and better Open Day in 2023.
Peter Friend
Communications & Community Relations Manager
Development Project – 500 Burwood Highway, Wantirna South (Former Food Star site)
The College was recently made aware of a proposal to construct an eight storey building on the corner of Burwood Highway and Tyner Road, which would include 118 apartments, with basement car parking for 70 vehicles. The focus of this project is to provide housing for low income households.
The College is certainly concerned at the traffic and parking issues that such a development will bring to the area. Members of our parent community have also expressed concern over the child safety implications of community housing so close to the College.
In line with the development process, the College will be providing feedback and expressing our concerns regarding the traffic and parking issues the development will bring to the area around the College. We will also advise the developer of the concerns of the College community.
We would ask that concerned families provide their feedback via email to You may also like to copy Knox Councillor, Lisa Cooper –
Darren Waterworth
Business Manager
Mothers' Day Macaron Fundraiser
St Andrews Netball Club is running a Mother's Day fundraiser selling Macarons made by De’Medici Macarons.
Flavours include raspberry white chocolate, passionfruit, red velvet and chocolate salted caramel plus we have a vegan option with passionfruit and chocolate salted caramel for $25 per dozen.
Our aim is to raise funds to further develop our club, and provide much needed funds to keep our players fees low and assist in paying our netball coaches.
If you would like to support our club please complete your order online by 27th April 2022 through St Andrews Netball Club - Mother’s Day Fundraiser - click on the fundraiser tab to order and pay. Orders will be delivered to the students on Thursday 5th May.
Let your friends and family know and help support our club!
Lauren Gaschk
St Andrews Netball Club President
Congratulations Derek Qi
St Andrews Christian College congratulates Derek on his achievements in First Lego League's - Razorback Event. Derek has been working with another 7 children from different schools in Victoria for this program, their team named Helix.
Together they won the National Award in December 2021, and in May this year, their team will fly to USA, to represent Australia and compete in an international innovation and robotics competition. Their innovation project aims to create a safer, greener form of transportation.
Well done on a fantastic effort Derek and we wish you all the best with the upcoming trip!
Louis Fernandes
Secondary School Teacher
Sustainability and Garden Club News
Late this term, a group of students who are passionate about sustainability have come together to begin making a change in the school and in their local area, learning how to become better stewards of the Earth God has entrusted us with.
In the coming months we are looking to make bird boxes, join forces with Knox Environmental Society and learn about our native local plants.
The garden club will continue to care for and grow delicious vegetables and sell them during lunchtime, donating a portion to Tear Australia and using the rest of the proceeds for plants and soil.
Do you want to start your own garden? Here are a few steps to looking after your garden in Autumn and what we have been doing in the garden at school:
- Clean out summer garden beds and prepare soil with compost, worm wee/Seasol and dynamic lifter.
- Plant your Autumn seeds and seedlings such as brassicas (cover these to keep the white moth from eating them), lettuce, pak choi, kale, spinach, radish/daikon and herbs such as coriander.
- In May – Prune all fruit trees.
We look forward to hearing about the wonderful fun you are having in the garden.
Maria Wheelton
Sustainability Coordinator
Easter Thanksgiving Service
Earlier this morning we gathered as a College community to reflect upon the gift of Grace given to us through the death & resurrection of Jesus.
Our wonderful Worship Band lead us with the College Hymn prior to a devotion shared by College Chaplain Rev. Warwick Grant.
We celebrated our Preps as they were presented with their College badges and teddy bears by our Current Year 12s - a wonderful joy to witness.
Two awards were also presented to the 2021 Knox Council School Award & College DUX recipients: Jonathan Chen and Niki Wang respectively.