Religious Education 

'Religious Education enables learners to encounter God in their lives and to articulate what this means, in an environment that welcomes multicultural and multi-faith world views.'


Ash Wednesday this year falls on the 2nd of March. Ash Wednesday begins our Lenten season. Lent is a season of reflection and preparation, before we celebrate Easter. It is also an opportunity to reach out to those in need. The children have Project Compassion boxes in their classes and will be collecting donations of small change throughout Lent. This is just one way we can show compassion and help those in need.  The money collected will be donated to Caritas, the international aid and development organisation of the Catholic Church. You can see the work of CARITAS on their website:

Learn more about Ash Wednesday and Lent here:



The year 6 students will be organising and cooking pancakes for the whole school. We ask that every student brings along a gold coin or equivalent as a fundraiser for Caritas Australia. The ingredients for the pancakes are: self raising flour, milk and eggs. The children will be able to choose either honey or jam to have on their pancake. Please email your child's classroom teacher or myself if you DO NOT wish your child to participate. 



Leader of Religious Dimension of the School