A Message from Cameron

As we head into Term 3, the teachers have worked and are continuing to work very hard to provide a curriculum that is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum that is tailored to a remote learning platform.


When looking at student work over the past week I have seen the following:

  • Prep students recording their thinking when solving addition problems
  • Grade 1/2 students doing some fantastic writing on retelling a story, for example 'The Rainbow Fish'
  • Grade 3/4 students researching and documenting interesting facts about animals - who would have thought a Blue Whale is the size of 15 basketball courts!
  • Grade 5/6 students  solving a variety of problems using their knowledge of fractions

Students have done some wonderful work in the Specialist subjects, including the Grade 3/4 students investigating the Pop Artist Romero Britto and then drawing a picture in his style.


Take Care, Everyone,
