Pastoral Care News


If 2020 has taught us nothing else, it has taught us the value of resilience. In a world of uncertainty, it was our ability to embrace change and not fear it that allowed us all; staff and students alike to rise to the challenge of online learning and step outside of our comfort zones and perhaps learn a new skill to keep us busy whilst in isolation. The response to our “Show us your skills” Be Yourself competition has been amazing; and the variety and level of skills phenomenal. Entries are still being excepted until 29th June so don’t miss this opportunity to win $500 Centrecash vouchers. Create a brief, 1-minute video and email to Mr Neville. Judging shall take place next week with all the winners being announced prior to the end of term.


The CAT is currently looking at our term 3 activity; with students creating a list of items they feel are relevant and vital to be included in our “I CARE KITS”. All students and staff are asked to donate a specific item depending on their gender/ year group and collaboratively, the school is able to create kits containing personal care items and small gifts of kindness to demonstrate that the recipient matters, is valued and is cared for by many. The kits are donated to St Vincent de Paul and Linking Community Network who distribute to those within our community who are at risk of; or who are homeless.


The official launch and more information will be included in the next edition of the newsletter.

Knitting group continues to grow and many students, along with staff are completing squares which will ultimately become colorful wraps/ blankets and given to those in need. This activity will continue next term and more members are welcome; no experience necessary.


Thank you to some of our students who are volunteering to assist the residents at the nearby Legacy Units. Lots of small acts of kindness has a ripple effect throughout the community; near and far.


With the holidays drawing near, I hope that everyone has the opportunity in the break to spend time with family and friends; staying safe and most importantly staying healthy. Let’s hope the next term is a time of joy and positivity and the uncertainty of this term, becomes a distant memory.


Regards Sue Hone (Pastoral Care Worker)