Principal News

I rememeber the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.

-Psalm 143:5


There are two different ways to relating to God, the two different approaches to prayer.  The first takes God hostage.  It presents demands.  It tells God what it wants. It is often angry and disappointed.  It lets God know that the weather isn't good enough, the traffic is too heavy, the exam was too difficult, our parents are impossible and our own efforts are not up to scratch.


The second approach is to surrender.  It accepts that God's ways are mysterious.  It is confused by God or in awe, but never fully understands.  It does not control the world.  It let's go.  It is often peaceful.  It has energy for doing creative things becasue it doesn't waste energy on resentment.


More than ever, I now find myself in the hands of God.  This is what I have wanted all my life, from my youth.   And this is what I still want.  But now there is a difference:  the initiative is entirely with God.  It is indeed a profound spiritual experience to know and feel myself so totally in his hands, in the hands of this God who has taken hold of me.

-Pedro Arrupe SJ 


Dear Parents, Students and Friends 


This is the final Newsletter for this term and I wish to thank everyone for the wholehearted efforts considering the challenges of Covid19 with learning and teaching at the start of the term and being a community, we have had no opportunities to be together at assembly or prayer. I realise how important being together is for a school, to pray, celebrate and share experiences and everyone at Marian is looking forward to the times ahead when we can do those things and much more.


During the term, preparations went further with the planning for our new buildings and refurbishments. Students would have seen from time to time tradesman in “hi viz” checking various building requirements. A new TAS Block, Staff Centre, Administration, extra classrooms and entrance way and roof line will transform the College both with a modern look and provide for future growth and functionality for many years to come. Building will commence in Term 4.


Congratulations and well done to all our Year 11 and 12 Academic Award recipients, please see a list of their names and achievements in this newsletter edition.


Term Three for students will commence on Tuesday 21st July. Staff return on the 20th and will have a Professional Learning Day focussing on Quality Assessments and Teaching Instruction.


Enjoy the break!


Peace and Best Wishes

Alan Le Brocque
