
Welcome Back

The buzz around the school is palpable. The children are visibly thrilled to finally catch up with each other, and us as educators are delighted to be teaching in-person, once again. Many happenings around the school are back in full swing, especially teaching and learning in physical classrooms. The social and emotional needs of  students remains a priority and is visible in the many structured and intentional activities that the teachers are including in the children's daily experiences. 


Students across all year levels have been busy spending time constructing and interacting with each other while exploring the creative capacity of the new sandpit toys. Getting together, playing together and healing together is important. Children resuming pre-remote learning activities such as gathering in a sandpit and playing is a timely reminder of their innate capacity for self-healing and resilience. In the past, we have had a variety of  commercial sized pieces of PVC pipe that the students have joined and used also in the sandpit. They need to be replaced. Does anybody have any PVC pipe off-cuts that they can donate to the children’s sandpit? 

Support for Families

Listed below are a number of new resources to support you and your family. Some of our circumstances remain  changed: work, life, social, education, financial, fitness, etc… For many we have found ourselves in unchartered waters – quite often without our usual social networks of family and friends to support us. 


Parish, Prayer Resources, Mass online… 

Our Parish Website: http://pol.org.au/mordialloc/Home.aspx

Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Website: http://melbournecatholic.org.au/Mass

St Vincent de Paul: Contact the parish office to arrange support – 9580 7981 or Mordialloc Branch - Robyn Worsnop     robynmworsnop1@gmail.com  0411075631


Employment & Financial  Links

Job Keeper: https://www.ato.gov.au/general/JobKeeper-Payment/

Job Seeker: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/job-seekers

Job Hub: https://www.dese.gov.au/covid-19/jobs-hub

Centrelink: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/centrelink

Financial Support:  https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/covid-19-worker-support-payment

City of Kingston Financial Support: https://www.kingston.vic.gov.au/Home/Coronavirus-update


Health and Wellbeing Links

Kids Helpline: https://kidshelpline.com.au/

Lifeline: https://www.lifeline.org.au/ or call 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/

Be You: https://beyou.edu.au/

Heads Up: https://www.headsup.org.au/

Smiling Mind (Apple & Android App): https://www.smilingmind.com.au/


Department of Health and Human Services Links

Where to Get Tested?:  https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/where-get-tested-covid-19

Require Testing At Home: - https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/call-to-test-covid-19

Department of Health Vic: https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/