What's happening!

Message from Mrs Sullivan

Dear Parents and Friends,


It was so lovely to welcome back all our students on Monday. There were some who were a little anxious when they arrived at the gate, but that soon turned to smiles when they saw their friends and teachers. Some were just so very excited to be back.  We were just as excited (if not a bit more) to finally have our students back on site. We certainly missed the laughter, chatter and noise that is associated with schools!!


The children have all grown and matured in the time they were working from home. We are certainly not returning to life like we knew it, but we are getting closer to being able to gather as a community. Hopefully we will see some easing of restrictions on Sunday. 


First priorities at school for Term 4:

  1. Wellbeing - Our first task is to ensure the wellbeing of all our students. If you have any concerns about your child/children transitioning back to school please contact your child’s teacher. We strongly believe, if your child’s wellbeing is not right, learning will not be performed to the best of their ability. 
  2. Academics - Staff will focus on establishing where the children currently sit on the  English and Maths continuum and strive to move them forward. The afternoons will focus on re-establishing social connections and working collaboratively. 
  3. Transitions - We will continue to work with our secondary schools as we move into the transitions for Year 6’s in preparation for Year 7. We will continue to work on our transition activities for Pre-school children into Foundation   At this stage we have limited information regarding these processes but we will keep you informed.

School uniform

Thank you to parents who have made contact with us regarding correct school uniform (especially school shoes). We want you to know we totally understand that it is almost impossible to purchase school shoes at the moment so we will be flexible about shoes over the next few weeks until shops reopen again. Other school uniform items can be purchased from our uniform shop via CDFPay.  Click here for the link.


We are very proud of the way St Brigid’s wear their school uniform and once restrictions are eased, wearing the correct school uniform will be a priority. 


Students Not Returning to St Brigid's 2021

We ask that any families whose children ARE NOT returning to St Brigid's in 2021 (this does not include current Grade 6 Students) to please email me by Wednesday 21 October - principal@sbmord.catholic.edu.au.



Please remember that staff are back on site and if you have any concerns please contact your child’s teacher. This can be done via email or phone. Just a reminder that if an email is sent after school the teacher may not respond until the next school day.


And I just have to end with ………..




What happened Collingwood!! 





Yours in partnership,

Wendy Sullivan








What's Happening at School

Literacy News

Children’s Book Week Show by Carp Productions: Curious Creatures and Wild Minds. This show will be available via YouTube on Friday, 23 October, at 4pm. See books come to life in this fun theatrical performance, ideal for families with children 3-12.  Book online through Kingston Library.


The Book Fair is coming to St Brigid’s!  Stay tuned.

Welcome back Foundation!

This week we happily welcomed back our Foundation students in FYH and FZF.


We celebrated being back at school with a Teddy Bears Picnic on Monday and were excited to see each other again. All of the students have smoothly transitioned back into the classroom, enjoying themselves with their learning. Make sure you have a look at our Assembly this week.

Hooray - You are back 1/2!  

In 1/2  we welcomed back our students by celebrating everything Dr Seuss by declaring Monday "Doctor Seuss Day". Our activities on the day related to many of his stories. Students listened to ‘Bartholomew and the Oobleck’ and we then made their own Oobleck (slime) to take home. The next activity was to write why we are lucky duckies after reading ‘Have I ever told you how lucky you are?’ We read one of our favourites, ‘The Cat in the Hat’.  After reading 'The Cat in the Hat' we made hand prints which became Thing 1 or Thing 2 characters.  The 1/2 students then wrote about what would happen if they came to our house! Our final book was ‘The Shape of Me and other Stuff.’  Students then went outside and took lots of photos of shadows that they found in the playground.  We all had a fantastic first day back and we may have been just a little bit tired on Monday night.


Great to see you 3/4! 

On Tuesday, the 13th of October, the 3/4 level became astronauts and ventured into our Solar System enjoying a Virtual Tour of the Moon and the Sun.  This was possible through a Zoom incursion held by Science Space NSW.  We began on Earth and explored the day and night sky in Melbourne, learning about the differences and how they occur. We then travelled to the surface of the sun where we learnt it is the hottest star in the sky and it can fit 1 million Earths in it.  The sun has sunspots, which are pockets where it is cooler than the sun and brighter than our moon.  Next we launched to the moon, where we explored the surface and learnt about the different phases of it.  We discovered that we only see one side of the moon and that the moon is responsible for our tides.  We also explored Mars, Saturn, the Milky Way and constellations before arriving back on our Earth.

Wow - you have grown 5/6!

Students in the 5/6 level have readily engaged in a range of learning and socially focussed activities. This has included games that require students to articulate and apply problem solving strategies to improve their outcome.  Competitive games such as    Brain Blast and Find the Goal Line also include chance and divergent thinking.  Students have also set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) goals and created a rocket and space suit design in order to ‘Aim For The Stars.’

5/6 Rocketing into Term 4
5/6 Rocketing into Term 4