Back to Remote Learning 

Year 7 students Chrissy and Mahan share their views on the return to remote learning

Chrissy M, 7C
Chrissy M, 7C


With all students back to remote learning, we caught up with two of our Year 7 students whom we interviewed in the first lockdown, to see how they are going this time around. 





































Online learning: 'I know what to expect'

Chrissy: How did you feel about the return to remote learning?

I was excited to hopefully catch up on some work!


How has it been going?

The workload has been a bit overwhelming so it can be hard to catch up.  Every time I finish one task, there is always another!


What’s different with remote learning this time around?

I kind of know what to expect.


What are the challenges?

Getting the work done.


What are you enjoying?

The 'Lap of Australia Challenge' is great as it gives me time to go outside and exercise. 




















How online learning 2.0 has been for me

Mahan H, 7A
Mahan H, 7A

By Mahan H


Online learning 2.0 has been good for me. The teachers are helpful and assist with any questions we have.


So far since we have only been online learning for a couple of weeks so there have not been any challenges for me so far. 


I feel like learning from home is better because students can focus more on the task and not talk to their friends like they would in class and get distracted. 


Being in Year 7 and doing online learning is a bit weird. All the Year 7s probably expected a normal year, so doing online learning has been a bit unexpected for them.