International Students

Remote learning after school support

By Mary Liao, 

International Student Program Assistant


With students having returned to remote learning, our International Student After-School Support has been back in place since the start of Term 3. 


Theses support sessions are offered Monday to Thursday every week, and students are grouped based on their year level and language background. 


In addition to the daily lunchtime and recess MS Teams drop-in session which deals mostly with the students’ general inquires, the primary purpose of the after-school support session is to promote student interaction via a platform where everyone can join in and connect, easily and freely.  


We also chat with each student to check for potential well-being needs and follow up with the identified study and behavioural problems.


These after-school support sessions have been running for almost a month and will continue to operate them until the end of remote learning. 

All About Water Safety!


On Tuesday, 28 July, Year 7 international students had a Zoom seminar on water safety with a presenter from Life Saving Victoria. 


Although the virtual nature of the seminar made the whole session more informative than demonstrative, the students were quite engaged. They showed amazing concentration for the entire presentation and attempted to answer every question asked by the presenter. 


“I found this lesson quite helpful. It explained thoroughly how to see and handle a rip . I also learned that life guards only work during the summer on the weekends.”  Cynthia L


“It was good to learn about water safety. The teacher was nice and clear.” 
Minki C


“I learned that if we are not careful with safety in the water, we can put ourselves into danger.” Nicholas W 


After this water safety lecture I learned that when I swim I need pay attention to safety." Henry L