Education in Faith

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs 

The feeding of the five thousand



                   Gospel Summary 

In this week’s Gospel, we see Jesus still very sad about John the Baptist's death. However, even in his sorrow, Jesus remembered the needs of others. As he tried to go away to a deserted place, the crowds followed him in hope that he would heal the sick among them. When it was late and everyone was hungry, the disciples suggested that everyone go away and buy something to eat. Instead, Jesus asks his disciples to give them something to eat. They brought five loaves of bread and two fish, which turned out to be more than enough for the crowd. This is one of the greatest miracles narrated in the Gospels, multiplying a small amount of food to provide for thousands. It is deeply reassuring to know that, so long as we should seek him, Jesus will not only receive us, but will provide whatever is needed so that we can remain close to him.


Reflection for Families 


How many times are we presented with a crisis to resolve? The disciples presented a problem to Jesus and seemingly, without effort he resolved it. "You have a problem (name it). What's your plan?" We can help our children resolve their problems, but we should also be quick to point out that when God is involved, there is far more than enough. 


Bringing the Gospel into our Family 

I wonder…

… how did the people respond to Jesus when this miracle happened?

… why Jesus made so much extra food to fill 12 baskets?

… what else is amazing about this story? What happened after everyone had eaten enough?




By offering the little we have, God can do so much. Think about some of the ways we can make an offering to Jesus through small acts of kindness, e.g. giving someone a compliment, sharing with another, doing a chore at home without being asked, saying ‘please and ‘thank you’ etc…





Rozeta Ambrose ~ REL~Sacraments