Important Dates

Dates to Remember

2020 School Term Dates

  • Term 3 - Monday 13th July - Friday 18th September
  • Term 4 - Monday 5th October - (Wednesday 16th December - Students) Friday 18th December

Enrolments for 2021



Families of siblings need to complete and email the offer of a place to complete the enrolment.

Catholic families new to the area need to urgently contact the school and submit their application to avoid missing out.




Year 5 families - REMINDER 

Catholic Colleges for 2022  - Enrolments need to be in by Friday 21st AUGUST, 2020, at their respective Colleges. If you wish your child to attend a Catholic Secondary School for Year 7 in 2022, please contact the relevant secondary school to find out when they will be holding their Open Days/School Tours and ask for an Enrolment Form.


Friday 21stCrazy Hair and Pyjama Day 
Thursday 17thParent/Teacher Interviews
Friday 18th

Soccer FUN Day

School closes for the end of Term 3 at 2:30pm.

Monday 5thTerm 4 starts