
Week 4 Update

As we approach the mid-point of Term 2, it is timely to reflect on the focus areas that each cohort in the secondary school are addressing within their allocated Pastoral Care Periods.


Year 7

Students will explore resources and undertake activities linked to the Digital Footprint topic and participate in the Brainstorm Productions performance- The Hurting Game in late June. The play explores issues linked to age-appropriate use of social media. 


Year 8

The boys in Year 8 are focusing on the topic Trials and Tribulations with concepts such as dealing with setbacks and building resilience, developing a growth mindset and developing time management skills, being explored.


Year 9

The topic of Developing My Identity is being covered; exploring concepts such personal, family and social identity, ways to fulfil potential, consolidating a sense of belonging and aspects of relationships.


Year 10

Students will address the topic Reflections: Looking in the Mirror, building on the Term 1 focus of building positive relationships, making good choices in difficult situations and considering aspects of mental health raised with guest presenters from Batyr.


Year 11

Term 2 starts with the focus on Falling Forward as it coincides with the return of Assessment Block results. The aim is to assist the boys in remembering that there is a valued lesson in everything. In coming weeks there will be a shift in focus to what the young men of Year 11 have to do to ensure they are being responsible and safe digital citizens. This includes how words have a ripple effect and the changing dynamic of friendships and relationships in an online environment.


Year 12

A focus on helping students prepare for navigating through the process of selecting post-school options underpins the Careers-the future topic during Term 2. Students will also spend time consolidating their understanding of time management strategies as they commence preparing for their Trial HSC early in Term 3.


Robert Simpson

Director of Wellbeing