Assessment Moderation 

Emma Mallia 

For the past two weeks teachers have spent time during their after school meetings participating in assessment moderation. Moderation is a process by which teachers from across a range of year levels meet to review student work samples based on the Victorian Curriculum F-10 Achievement Standards. While teachers regularly collect student data and analyse it within their year-level teams, meeting across teams doesn’t happen as often and is therefore time that is greatly valued.


For this moderation cycle we collected work samples from all students in the areas of reading, spelling, number, patterns and algebra. Through robust discussion and close analysis of these student work samples, teachers worked to assign each a Victorian Curriculum level as well as identify future learning goals for students.


The benefits of moderation for both our teachers and our students are great. It helps to create consistency and build agreement around what achievement standards look like, it can be used by teachers when awarding students a Victorian Curriculum level as part of the reporting process and it provides students with actionable feedback on their learning. 

Our teachers love moderation! If you have any further questions they would be more than happy to chat to you, or you can contact Hannah, Keir or Emma for further information.