From our school captain

Senior Secondary Update
The Year 10’s are currently studying the book ‘Of Mice and Men’ and are working on their creative writing skills. Some of the Year 10’s are also working with their Year 10 coordinator Jackie to plan future excursions and incursions. Subject choices for 2023 are a hot topic amongst the year level, who are having regular meetings with Alyce, our careers coordinator.
Year 11 Health students are learning about the nutrients our bodies require and the factors which can contribute to the level of health and wellbeing amongst youth. English students are analysing the novel ‘The Lieutenant’ and brushing up on their essay skills.
The Year 12’s are busy studying for their SAC’s and planning our end of year graduation and awards night. On May 24th our VCE dance students, together with some of the year 8’s, are excited to attend the "En Pinte" Ballet Excursion.
Our VCAL students have begun working on their ‘2 Box Design’ projects. They’re planning on turning the sandpit into a Zen garden, which will include native plants. There have been a few planting boxes set up around the school which are ready to be filled with some colourful plants, and there is a makeover of the area just outside our senior office happening as well. We are very excited to see the end results!
Angela R